
Poster / Presentation

Africa RISING overview and update

Hoeschle-Zeledon, I. 2014. Africa RISING overview and update. Presented at the Africa RISING ESA Review and Planning Meeting, Arusha, Tanzania, 9-11 September 2014. Ibadan, Nigeria: IITA.
Dataset / Tabular


Amele, Asrat; Paterne Agre, 'TDaRVT2021IBN', International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 2022
Scientific Publication

Evolution of milk production systems in tropical Latin America and its interrelationship with markets: an analysis of the Colombian case

Holmann, F.; Rivas, L.; Carulla, J.; Giraldo, L.; Guzman, S.; Martinez, M.; Rivera, B.; Medina, A.; Farrow, A. 2003. Evolution of milk production systems in tropical Latin America and its interrelationship with markets: an analysis of the Colombian case. Paper presented at the ninth world congress on animal production. Porto Alegre, Brazil, 26-31 October 2003. Nairobi (Kenya): ILRI
Scientific Publication

GWAS case studies in wheat

Sehgal, D., & Dreisigacker, S. (2022). GWAS case studies in wheat. In D. Torkamaneh & F. Belzile (Eds.), Genome-Wide Association Studies (Vol. 2481, pp. 341–351). Springer US.