
Scientific Publication

Factors motivating the use of respiratory protection against volcanic ashfall: A comparative analysis of communities in Japan, Indonesia and Mexico

Judith Covey, Claire J. Horwell, Laksmi Rachmawati, Ryoichi Ogawa, Ana Lillian Martin-del Pozzo, Maria Aurora Armienta, Fentiny Nugroho, Lena Dominelli (2019) Factors motivating the use of respiratory protection against volcanic ashfall: A comparative analysis of communities in Japan, Indonesia and Mexico, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 2019,
Evidence for increasing global wheat yield potential
Scientific Publication

Evidence for increasing global wheat yield potential

Guarin, J. R., Martre, P., Ewert, F., Webber, H., Dueri, S., Calderini, D. F., Reynolds, M. P., Molero, G., Miralles, D. J., Garcia, G., Slafer, G. A., Giunta, F., Pequeno, D. N. L., Stella, T., Ahmed, M., Alderman, P. D., Basso, B., Berger, A. G., Bindi, M., . . . Asseng, S. (2022). Evidence for increasing global wheat yield potential. *Environmental Research Letters*, 17(12), 124045.
Scientific Publication

The effect of antioxidants on the cryopreservation recovery of two potato cultivars following post-thawing culture.

Canepa, P.; Panta, A.; Tay, D. 2011. The effect of antioxidants on the cryopreservation recovery of two potato cultivars following post-thawing culture. In: Panis, B.; Lynch, P. (eds). Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Cryopreservation in Horticultural Species. 1. International Symposium on Cryopreservation in Horticultural Species. Leuven (Belgium). 05-08 Apr 2009. Bologna (Italy). International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS). ISBN 978-90-66054-70-7. pp. 101-105.
Decisiones informadas para el manejo de tizon tardio.
Scientific Publication

Decisiones informadas para el manejo de tizon tardio.

Kromann, P.; Taipe, A.; Velasco, C.; Andrade-Piedra, J. 2017. Decisiones informadas para el manejo de tizon tardio. In: Kromann, P.; Cuesta, X.; Montero, B.R.; Cuasapaz, P.; Leon-Reyes, A.; Chulde, A. (eds.). Libro de memorias. 7 Congreso Ecuatoriano de la Papa. Adaptacion al cambio climatico. Tulcan (Ecuador). 29-30 Jun 2017. Ibarra (Ecuador). International Potato Center. ISBN 978-9942-28-795-3. pp. 71-72.
Scientific Publication

Preparing potato for climate change: Breeding, selection and efficient use of genetic resources for abiotic stress

Amoros, W.; Cabello, R.; Gutierrez, R.; Kadian, M.; Carli, C.; Salas, E.; Munive, S.; Bonierbale, M. 2012. Preparing potato for climate change: Breeding, selection and efficient use of genetic resources for abiotic stress. 95. Annual Meeting of the Potato Association of America. Wilmington (USA). 14-18 Aug 2011. American Journal of Potato Research. (USA). ISSN 1099-209X. 89(1):30.
Nutritional improvement of yam bean and sustainability of farming systems in Central and West Africa.
Scientific Publication

Nutritional improvement of yam bean and sustainability of farming systems in Central and West Africa.

Heider, B.; Tumwegamire, S.; Tukamuhabwa, P.; Ndirigwe, J.; Bouwe, G.; Bararyenya, A.; Hell, K.; Leclercq, J.; Lautie, E.; Wassens, R.; Burgos, G.; Felde, T. zum; Thiele, G.; Gruneberg, W. 2011. Nutritional improvement of yam bean and sustainability of farming systems in Central and West Africa. African Crop Science Conference Proceedings. (Uganda). ISSN 1023-070X. 10:93-95
Scientific Publication

Marker-Assisted Selection in common beans and cassava

In: Marker-Asisted Selection: Current Status and Future Perspectives in Crops, Livestock, and Foresty, and Fish (Guimaraes E, Ruane J, Scherf B. Sonnino A, Dargie J, eds). Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, Rome, Chp 7, pp. 81-115