
Scientific Publication

Les activites de formation du projet

Sally, H. 1997. Les activites de formation du projet. Sally, H. (Ed.), Ameliorer les performances des perimetres irrigues: Les actes du Seminaire Regional du Project Management de l'Irrigation au Burkina Faso, 24-26 Juillet 1996, Ouagadougou. Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: IIMI. Burkina Faso. pp.197-218.
Scientific Publication

Salinity assessment in irrigation systems using remote sensing and geographic information system application to the Chistian Sub-division, Pakistan

Vidal, A.; Tabet, D.; Ahmad, Mobin-ud -Din; Asif, S.; Zimmer, D.; Strosser, P. 1998. Salinity assessment in irrigation systems using remote sensing and geographic information system application to the Chistian Sub-division, Pakistan. In Strosser, P. (Ed.), The collaboration between IIMI and CEMAGREF in Pakistan: Proceedings of a one-day workshop, October 3, 1997, International Irrigation Management Institute, Lahore. Lahore, Pakistan: IIMI. Pakistan National Program. pp.48-55.
Book / Monograph

Ascendiendo la escala del agua: servicios de abastecimiento de agua de usos multiples para la reduccion de la pobreza. In SpanishClimbing the water ladder: multiple-use water services for poverty reduction

van Koppen, Barbara; Smits, S.; Moriarty, P.; Penning de Vries, F.; Mikhail, M.; Boelee, Eline. 2009. Ascendiendo la escala del agua: servicios de abastecimiento de agua de usos multiples para la reduccion de la pobreza. In Spanish. [Climbing the water ladder: multiple-use water services for poverty reduction] Hague, Netherlands: International Water and Sanitation Centre (IRC); Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI); Colombo, Sri Lanka: CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food (CPWF). 232p. (IRC TP Series 52)
Book / Monograph

IWMI Strategic plan 2004-2008

International Water Management Institute (IWMI) 2006. IWMI Strategic plan 2004-2008. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 28p.
Book / Monograph

Investment in agricultural water management in Sub-Saharan Africa: Diagnosis of trends and opportunities: case studies report: Volume 1 - Highlights of findings of various components

IWMI. 2004. Investment in agricultural water management in Sub-Saharan Africa: Diagnosis of trends and opportunities: case studies report: Volume 1 ? Highlights of findings of various components. Draft final report of a Collaborative Program between New Partnership for Africa?s Development (NEPAD), Africa Development Bank (ADB), FAO, IFAD, IWMI and The World Bank. iii, 63p.
Book / Monograph

IIMI style guide

Fernando, K. N. A. 1994. IIMI style guide. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Irrigation Management Institute (IIMI). vii, 48p.
Migration governance and agrarian and rural development: comparative lessons from China, Ethiopia, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Morocco, Nepal and Thailand

Migration governance and agrarian and rural development: comparative lessons from China, Ethiopia, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Morocco, Nepal and Thailand

Lamba, A.; Sugden, F.; Aderghal, M.; Fengbo, C.; Pagogna, R.; Masotti, M.; Dessalegn, Mengistu; Murzakulova, A.; Kharel, A.; Amzil, L.; Stirba, V.; Kuznetsova, I.; Vittuari, M.; Jian, C.; Crivellaro, F.; Naruchaikusol, S.; Lucasenco, E.; Mogilevskii, R.; Mollinga, P.; Phalkey, N.; Bhattarai, S. 2023. Migration governance and agrarian and rural development: comparative lessons from China, Ethiopia, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Morocco, Nepal and Thailand [Policy Brief of the Migration Governance and Agricultural and Rural Change (AGRUMIG) Project]. London, UK: SOAS University of London. 12p. (AGRUMIG Policy Brief Series 25)
Scientific Publication

Irrigation pricing alternatives for water user associations in Central Asia

Wichelns, Dennis; Anarbekov, Oyture; Jumaboev, Kahramon; Manthrithilake, Herath. 2010. Irrigation pricing alternatives for water user associations in Central Asia. In Proceedings of the Republican Scientific Practical Conference on Efficient Agricultural Water Use and Tropical Issues in Land Reclamation, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 10-11 November 2010. Tashkent, Uzbekistan: Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources; Tashkent, Uzbekistan: International Water Management Institute; Tashkent, Uzbekistan: Scientific Information Center of Interstate Commission for Water Coordination (SANIIRI) 14p.
Scientific Publication

Impact of national water resource policy on irrigated paddy farmers' livelihood in Sri Lanka: case study in Lunuwewa under Mahaweli System H

Hearth, C. P.; Athauda, A. M. T. P.; Gichuki, Francis N. 2005. Impact of national water resource policy on irrigated paddy farmers' livelihood in Sri Lanka: case study in Lunuwewa under Mahaweli System H. In Wayamba University of Sri Lanka. Proceedings of 5th Agricultural Research Symposium - Part 1, Wayamba University, Makandura, Sri Lanka, 27-28 September 2005. Makandura, Sri Lanka: Wayamba University. pp.137-140.
Scientific Publication

Accounting for changes in water use and the need for institutional adaptation

Molden, D.; Sakthivadivel, R.; Samad, M. 2001. Accounting for changes in water use and the need for institutional adaptation. In Abernethy, C. L. (Ed.). Intersectoral management of river basins. Proceedings of an International Workshop on Integrated Water Management in Water-Stressed River Basins in Developing Countries: Strategies for Poverty Alleviation and Agricultural Growth, Loskop Dam, South Africa, 16-21 October 2000. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI); Feldafing, Germany: German Foundation for International Development (DSE). pp.73-87.
Scientific Publication

Investing in water management to improve productivity of rice-based farming systems in Cambodia

Johnston, Robyn; de Silva, Sanjiv; Try, Thuon. 2014. Investing in water management to improve productivity of rice-based farming systems in Cambodia. In Robins, L. (Ed.). A policy dialogue on rice futures: rice-based farming systems research in the Mekong region. proceedings of the A policy dialogue on rice futures: rice-based farming systems research in the Mekong region, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 7-9 May 2014. Canberra, Australia: Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR). pp.116-119. (ACIAR Proceedings No. 142)
Scientific Publication

Poverty alleviation versus mass poisoning: the dilemma of groundwater irrigation in Bangladesh

Mainuddin, M. 2005. Poverty alleviation versus mass poisoning: the dilemma of groundwater irrigation in Bangladesh. In Sahuquillo, A.; Capilla, J.; Martinez-Cortina, L.; Sanchez-Vila, X. (Eds.). Groundwater intensive use: Selected papers, SINEX, Valencia, Spain, 10-14 December 2002. Lieden, Netherlands: A.A. Balkema. pp.221-235. (IAH Selected Papers on Hydrogeology 7)
Poster / Presentation

Groundwater governance in Sri Lanka: lessons from around the world. Keynote address

Shah, Tushaar. 2013. Groundwater governance in Sri Lanka: lessons from around the world. Keynote address. In International Water Management Institute (IWMI). Proceedings of the National Seminar on Groundwater Governance in Sri Lanka, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 15 August 2013. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). pp.9-20.
Poster / Presentation

Welcome address at the International Expert Consultation on Wastewater Irrigation, Consumer Health Risk Assessment, On-farm and Off-farm Options for Health Risk Mitigation, and Wastewater Governance in Low-income Countries, Accra, Ghana, 6 October 2008

Bahri, Akissa. 2008. Welcome address at the International Expert Consultation on Wastewater Irrigation, Consumer Health Risk Assessment, On-farm and Off-farm Options for Health Risk Mitigation, and Wastewater Governance in Low-income Countries, Accra, Ghana, 6 October 2008. Expert consultation organized by the International Water Management Institute (IWMI), IDRC and WHO, supported by IDRC and the Google Foundation. 5p.
Book / Monograph

Proceedings of the National Conference on Managing Irrigation for Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture in Pakistan, Islamabad, Pakistan, 5-7 November 1996. Volume III - papers on the theme, Water management below the Mogha

Badruddin, M.; Skogerboe, G. V.; Shafique, M. S. (Eds.) 1996. Proceedings of the National Conference on Managing Irrigation for Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture in Pakistan, Islamabad, Pakistan, 5-7 November 1996. Volume III - papers on the theme, Water management below the Mogha. Lahore, Pakistan: International Irrigation Management Institute (IIMI) Pakistan. National Program. 104p.
Scientific Publication

Contraintes non pathogenes liees a l?irrigation avec des eaux usees. In FrenchNon-pathogenic trade-offs of wastewater irrigation

Qadir, Manzoor; Scott, C. A. 2011. Contraintes non pathogenes liees a l�irrigation avec des eaux usees. In French. [Non-pathogenic trade-offs of wastewater irrigation] In Drechsel, Pay; Scott, C. A.; Raschid-Sally, Liqa; Redwood, M.; Bahri, Akissa. L�irrigation avec des eaux usees et la sante: evaluer et attenuer les risques dans les pays a faible revenu. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI); Ottawa, Canada: International Development Research Centre (IDRC); Quebec, Canada: University of Quebec. pp.109-138. (Also in English).