
Working Paper

HIV Vaccine Research and Development: Modeling the Path to Speedier Success

H. Wong, C. Gingerich, J. Michaud, and K. White. HIV Vaccine Research and Development: Modeling the Path to Speedier Success. International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI) Policy Research Working Paper #10.. International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI), New York, USA (2006) 52pp. ISBN 0-9773126-9-0
Scientific Publication

Scaling-up and uptake promotion of research findings in natural resources management

Lutkamu, M., Shetto, M.C., Hatibu, N. and Mahoo, H.F. 2005. Scaling-up and uptake promotion of research findings in natural resources management (R8088B). Paper presented at the East African River Basin conference held at Sokoine University, Morogoro Tanzania, 7-9 March 2005. Annex C9 of the Final Technical Report of project R8088B. Morogoro, Tanzania: SWMRG, Sokoine University of Agriculture. 25 pp
Scientific Publication

Calliandra calothyrsus pollinator behaviour and seed production

Chamberlain, J.R.; Rajaselvam, R.J. Calliandra calothyrsus pollinator behaviour and seed production. In: Evans, D.O. (Ed). Proceedings of the international workshop on the genus Calliandra, Bogor, Indonesia, 23-27 January 1996. Winrock International, Morrilton, USA (1996) 34-40. (Forest, farm and community tree research reports series)
Dataset / Tabular

Farm inventory surveys in Rwanda: Computed data files

Makui, Parmutia;Elisée Bahati Ntawuhiganayo;Harrison, Rhett, 2020, "Farm inventory surveys in Rwanda: Computed data files",, World Agroforestry - Research Data Repository, V6