
Report / Case study

Conflict: Topic Guide

Haider, H.; Rohwerder, B. Conflict: Topic Guide. Governance and Social Development Resource Centre, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK (2014) 152 pp
Poster / Presentation

TH2.1: Who is a man? Understanding the local normative climate for transformative interventions in rural farming communities of Central Uganda

Businge, Martha; Mangheni, Margaret N.; Mwiine, Amon A.; Shimali, Fred; Nakyewa, Brenda; Nanyonjo, G.; Angudubo, S.; Sanya, Losira N.; Asiimwe, E. 2022. Who is a man? Understanding the local normative climate for transformative interventions in rural farming communities of Central Uganda. Presented a the CGIAR GENDER Science Exchange, Nairobi, 12-14 October 2022. Kampala: Makerere University
Poster / Presentation

FR1.2: Valuing control over income and workload: A field experiment in Rwanda

Kramer, Berber; Hickman, William; Mollerstrom, Johanna; Seymour, Greg. 2022. Valuing control over income and workload: A field experiment in Rwanda . Presented a the CGIAR GENDER Science Exchange, Nairobi, 12-14 October 2022. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute
Prioritizing investments for climate-smart agriculture: Lessons learned from Mali
Scientific Publication

Prioritizing investments for climate-smart agriculture: Lessons learned from Mali

Andrieu, Nadine; Sogoba, Bougouna; Zougmore, Robert; Howland, Fanny Cecile; Samake, O.; Bonilla-Findji, Osana; Lizarazo, Miguel; Nowak, A.; Dembele, C.; Corner-Dolloff, Caitlin. 2017. Prioritizing investments for climate-smart agriculture: Lessons learned from Mali . Agricultural Systems 154: 13-24.
Next steps for AWARD
Poster / Presentation

Next steps for AWARD

Kamau Rutenberg, Anjiru. 2017. Next steps for AWARD. The purpose of the Diversity and Inclusion Conference is to draw attention to the areas where there is still room for improvement with respect to (gender) diversity and inclusion, and to find ways together to work on these improvements both in research and in the workplace. February 2017. Nairobi: African Women in Agricultural Research and Development
Benefits and limitations of mentoring programs
Poster / Presentation

Benefits and limitations of mentoring programs

African Women in Agricultural Research and Development. 2017. Benefits and limitations of mentoring programs. The purpose of the Diversity and Inclusion Conference is to draw attention to the areas where there is still room for improvement with respect to (gender) diversity and inclusion, and to find ways together to work on these improvements both in research and in the workplace. February 2017. Nairobi: African Women in Agricultural Research and Development
IWMI Annual report 2019
Report / Annual

IWMI Annual report 2019

International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 2020. IWMI Annual report 2019. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 60p. [doi: 10.5337/2020.208]