
Dataset / Tabular

Household Socio-Economic Survey 2006-2007 (Iraq)

Central Organization for Statistics and Information Technology (COSIT); Kurdistan Regional Statistics Office (KRSO), 'Household Socio-Economic Survey 2006-2007 (Iraq)', 2008
Dataset / Tabular

Demographic and Health Survey 1987 - IPUMS Subset (Mali)

Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches sur la Population pour le Developpement (CERPOD) de l'Institut du Sahel and Institute for Resource Development (IRD).; Minnesota Population Center (University of Minnesota), 'Demographic and Health Survey 1987 - IPUMS Subset (Mali)', 2018
Groundwater: a juggernaut of socio-economic development and stability in the arid region of Kachchh
Scientific Publication

Groundwater: a juggernaut of socio-economic development and stability in the arid region of Kachchh

Patel, Praharsh M.; Saha, D. 2022. Groundwater: a juggernaut of socio-economic development and stability in the arid region of Kachchh. In Re, V.; Manzione, R. L.; Abiye, T. A.; Mukherji, Aditi; MacDonald, A. (Eds.). Groundwater for sustainable livelihoods and equitable growth. Leiden, Netherlands: CRC Press - Balkema. pp.231-252. (IAH - International Contributions to Hydrogeology 30) [doi:]
Improving the supply chain of motor pumps to accelerate mechanized small-scale private irrigation in Zambia
Scientific Publication

Improving the supply chain of motor pumps to accelerate mechanized small-scale private irrigation in Zambia

Colenbrander, W.; van Koppen, Barbara. 2023. Improving the supply chain of motor pumps to accelerate mechanized small-scale private irrigation in Zambia. In Pavelic, Paul; Villholth, K. G.; Verma, Shilp. (Eds.). Sustainable groundwater development for improved livelihoods in Sub-Saharan Africa. Abingdon, Oxon, UK: Routledge. pp.112-122. (Routledge Special Issues on Water Policy and Governance)
Scientific Publication

Climate change versus land-cover change: a comparative analysis in the Mekong Basin

Lacombe, Guillaume; Hoanh, Chu Thai; Pierret, Alain; Sengtaheuanghoung, O.; Smakhtin, Vladimir; Noble, Andrew. 2010. Climate change versus land-cover change: a comparative analysis in the Mekong Basin. In Herath, S.; Wang, Y.; Liang, L. (Eds.). Meeting climate change challenges in transboundary basins: role of sciences. Tokyo, Japan: United Nations University (UNU). Institute for Sustainability and Peace (ISP). pp.29-31. (Climate and Ecosystems Change Adaptation Research (CECAR) 4)
Forced displacement and resettlement
Scientific Publication

Forced displacement and resettlement

Suhardiman, Diana. 2022. Forced displacement and resettlement. In Sims, K.; Banks, N.; Engel, S.; Hodge, P.; Makuwira, J.; Nakamura, N.; Rigg, J.; Salamanca, A.; Yeophantong, P. (Eds.). The Routledge handbook of global development. Abingdon, Oxon, UK: Routledge. pp.372-381. (Routledge International Handbooks) [doi:]
Book / Monograph

Boosting water benefits in West Bengal

International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 2012. Boosting water benefits in West Bengal. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 2p. (IWMI Success Stories 014) doi:
Book / Monograph

Potential for diversified cropping in the rice lands of Sri Lanka

Wijayaratna, C. M.; Panabokke, C. R.; Aluwihare, P. B.; Charles, S. H.; Sakthivadivel, R. 1996. Potential for diversified cropping in the rice lands of Sri Lanka. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Irrigation Management Institute (IIMI). xiv, 105p. (IIMI Country Paper Sri Lanka 14)
Book / Monograph

Themes prioritaires de recherche sur le management de l'irrigation en Asie

Small, L. E.; Barker, R. 1986. Themes prioritaires de recherche sur le management de l'irrigation en Asie; Apercu general de la recherche sur le management de l'irrigation en Asie. [Research priorities for irrigation management in Asia; An overview of research in irrigation management in Asia] Digana Village, Sri Lanka: International Irrigation Management Institute (IIMI). 22p. (IIMI Document de Recherche 1)
Tropical deltas and coastal zones: food production, communities and environment at the land-water interface
Book / Monograph

Tropical deltas and coastal zones: food production, communities and environment at the land-water interface

Hoanh, Chu Thai; Szuster, B. W.; Kam, S. P.; Ismail, A. M; Noble, Andrew D. (Eds.) 2010. Tropical deltas and coastal zones: food production, communities and environment at the land-water interface. Wallingford, UK: CABI; Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI); Penang, Malaysia: WorldFish Center; Los Banos, Philippines: International Rice Research Institute (IRRI); Bangkok, Thailand: FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific; Colombo, Sri Lanka: CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food (CPWF). 477p. (Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture Series 9)
Book / Monograph

Guide to on-site wastewater management for industrial and commercial establishments and other institutions: guide for vehicle service station owners and managers

Dissanayake, Priyanka; Tennakoon, M.; Burmeister, J. 2008. Guide to on-site wastewater management for industrial and commercial establishments and other institutions: guide for vehicle service station owners and managers. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 36p. (Wastewater Agriculture and Sanitation for Poverty Alleviation in Asia (WASPA Asia)) doi: