
Scientific Publication

Modelling potential soil erosion in East Africa in the context of climate change

Claessens, L., Temme, A.J.A.M., Schoorl, J.M., Lesschen, J.P., Breugel, P. van, Notenbaert, A., Steeg, J. van de and M. Herrero, 2009. Modelling potential soil erosion in East Africa in the context of climate change. 7th International Conference on Geomorphology: Ancient Landscapes - Modern Perspectives. Melbourne, Australia, 6-11 July 2009. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI
Scientific Publication

Maturity induction and extended spawning kinetics of milkfish (Chanos chanos) administered with combined GnRHa and 17α-methyl testosterone pellet at varied frequencies

Bera, A., Kailasam, M., Mandal, B., Padiyar, A., Ambasankar, K., Sukumaran, K., Makesh, M., Kumararaja, P., Subburaj, R., Thiagarajan, G. and Vijayan, K.K., 2021. Maturity induction and extended spawning kinetics of milkfish (Chanos chanos) administered with combined GnRHa and 17α-methyl testosterone pellet at varied frequencies. Aquaculture, p.736993
Scientific Publication

Impact of the Serogroup A Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine, MenAfriVac, on Carriage and Herd Immunity

Kristiansen, P.A.; Diomandé, F.; Ba, A.K.; Sanou, I.; Ouedraogo, A.S.; Oeudraogo, R.; Sangare, L.; Kandolo, D.; Ake, F.; Saga, I.M.; Clark, T.A.; Misegades, L.; Martin, S.W.; Thomas, J.D.; Tiendrebeogo, S.R.; Hassan-King, M.; Djingarey, M.H.; Messonnier, N.E.; Preziosi, M.P.; LaForce, F.M.; Daugant, D.A. Impact of the Serogroup A Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine, MenAfriVac, on Carriage and Herd Immunity. Clinical Infectious Diseases (2013) 56 (3) 354-363. (DOI: 10.1093/cid/cis892)

The case of Nairobi, Kenya

Lubaale, G.; Omenya, A.; Moser, C. The case of Nairobi, Kenya. (2012) 8 pp. (Understanding the tipping point of urban conflict : violence, cities, and poverty reduction in the developing world policy brief. Series number 1/2012)