
Scientific Publication

Participatory simulations of competing aquacultural and agricultural land uses in Bac Lieu Province, Mekong Delta, Vietnam

Dung, L. C.; Le Page, C.; Hoanh, Chu Thai. 2007. Participatory simulations of competing aquacultural and agricultural land uses in Bac Lieu Province, Mekong Delta, Vietnam. In Ekasingh, B.; Jintrawet, A; Pratummintra, S. (Eds.). International Conference on Simulation & Modeling. Towards Sustainable Livelihood and Environment. ASIMMOD, The 2nd Asian Simulation and Modeling 2007: Advances in Applications for Management and Decision Making. Chiang Mai, Thailand, 9-11 January 2007. Chatuchak, Bangkok: The Agricultural Cooporative Farmer of Thailand. pp.313-318.
Scientific Publication

Farmer participatory evaluation of four hybrid water yam clones in the yam belt of Nigeria

Ikeorgu, J.G., Oselebe, H., Oluwatayo, J., Ugwuoke, K., Ukpabi, U. & Asiedu, R. (2009). Farmer Participatory Evaluation of Four Hybrid Water Yam Clones in the Yam Belt of Nigeria. In: Securing livelihoods through yams: proceedings of a technical workshop on progress in yam research for development in west and central Africa, Accra, 11-13 September, 2007. Ghana: IITA.
Scientific Publication

Gender myths in water governance: A survey of program discourses

Resurreccion, B.P. and Manorom, K. 2007. Gender myths in water governance: A survey of program discourses. IN: Lebel, L., Dore, J., Daniel, R. and Koma, Y.S. (eds.). 2007. Democratizing water governance in the Mekong region. Chiang Mai, Thailand: Mekong Press:177-196
Participatory approach to improve dietary diversity in Vihiga County, Western Kenya
Scientific Publication

Participatory approach to improve dietary diversity in Vihiga County, Western Kenya

Boedecker, J.; Oduor, F.; Termote, C.; Kennedy, G. (2017) Participatory approach to improve dietary diversity in Vihiga County, Western Kenya. [Abstract] 3rd International Congress Hidden Hunger: Post-2015 Agenda and Sustainable Developmental Goals (SDG): Where are we now? Strategies to improve nutrition quality and combat hidden hunger. Stuttgart (Germany), March 20-22, 2017. 1 p.
Fish for whom?: Integrating the management of social complexities into technical investments for inclusive, multi-functional irrigation
Scientific Publication

Fish for whom?: Integrating the management of social complexities into technical investments for inclusive, multi-functional irrigation

Duncan, N.; de Silva, Sanjiv; Conallin, J.; Freed, S.; Akester, M.; Baumgartner, L.; McCartney, Matthew; Dubois, M.; Senaratna Sellamuttu, Sonali. 2021. Fish for whom?: Integrating the management of social complexities into technical investments for inclusive, multi-functional irrigation. World Development Perspectives, 22:100318. [doi:]