
የእንሰሳት ጤና | የበጎች እና የፍየሎች የእርባታ አፈፃፀም መሻሻል ለገጠሩ ማህበረሰብ የኑሮ እና የምግብ ዋስትና ድጋፍ እየሰጠ ነው

የእንሰሳት ጤና | የበጎች እና የፍየሎች የእርባታ አፈፃፀም መሻሻል ለገጠሩ ማህበረሰብ የኑሮ እና የምግብ ዋስትና ድጋፍ እየሰጠ ነው

Alemayehu G, Mekonnen M, Alemu B, Desta H, Wieland B. 2022. የእንሰሳት ጤና | የበጎች እና የፍየሎች የእርባታ አፈፃፀም መሻሻል ለገጠሩ ማህበረሰብ የኑሮ እና የምግብ ዋስትና ድጋፍ እየሰጠ ነው. SmaRT Ethiopia Brief. Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA).
Unravelling mysteries of the Quesungal system: An alternative to slash and burn
Scientific Publication

Unravelling mysteries of the Quesungal system: An alternative to slash and burn

Castro, A., Rao, I. and Saravia, M. 2011. Unravelling mysteries of the Quesungal system: An alternative to slash and burn. Paper presented at the 3rd International Forum on Water and Food, Tshwane, South Africa, 14-17 November 2011. Colombo, Sri Lanka: CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food.
Scientific Publication

Detection of Antibodies to West Nile Virus in Horses, Costa Rica, 2004

Hobson-Peters, J., Arévalo, C., Cheah, W. Y., Blitvich, B. J., Tan, C. S. E., Sandis, A., Araya, L. N., Hernández, J. L., Toye, P., & Hall, R. A. (2011). Detection of Antibodies to West Nile Virus in Horses, Costa Rica, 2004. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases, 11(8), 1081–1084.
CD8 T‐cell responses against the immunodominant Theileria parva peptide Tp2 49–59 are composed of two distinct populations specific for overlapping 11‐mer and 10‐mer epitopes
Scientific Publication

CD8 T‐cell responses against the immunodominant Theileria parva peptide Tp2 49–59 are composed of two distinct populations specific for overlapping 11‐mer and 10‐mer epitopes

Connelley, Timothy K.; Li, Xiaoying; MacHugh, Niall D.; Colau, Didier; Graham, Simon P.; Bruggen, Pierre; Taracha, Evans L.; Gill, Andy; Morrison, W. Ivan. 2016. CD8 T-cell responses against the immunodominant Theileria parva peptide Tp2 49-59 are composed of two distinct populations specific for overlapping 11-mer and 10-mer epitopes. Immunology 149: 172-185
ORCHIDEE-PEAT (revision 4596), a model for northern peatland CO2, water, and energy fluxes on daily to annual scales
Scientific Publication

ORCHIDEE-PEAT (revision 4596), a model for northern peatland CO2, water, and energy fluxes on daily to annual scales

Qiu, C., Zhu, D., Ciais, P., Guenet, B., Krinner, G., Peng, S., Aurela, M., Bernhofer, C., Brümmer, C., Bret-Harte, S., Chu, H., Chen, J., Desai, A. R., Dušek, J., Euskirchen, E. S., Fortuniak, K., Flanagan, L. B., Friborg, T., Grygoruk, M., Gogo, S., Grünwald, T., Hansen, B. U., Holl, D., Humphreys, E., Hurkuck, M., Kiely, G., Klatt, J., Kutzbach, L., Largeron, C., Laggoun-Défarge, F., Lund, M., Lafleur, P. M., Li, X., Mammarella, I., Merbold, L., Nilsson, M. B., Olejnik, J., Ottosson-Löfvenius, M., Oechel, W., Parmentier, F.-J. W., Peichl, M., Pirk, N., Peltola, O., Pawlak, W., Rasse, D., Rinne, J., Shaver, G., Schmid, H. P., Sottocornola, M., Steinbrecher, R., Sachs, T., Urbaniak, M., Zona, D., and Ziemblinska, K. 2018. ORCHIDEE-PEAT (revision 4596), a model for northern peatland CO2, water, and energy fluxes on daily to annual scales. Geoscientific Model Development 11(2): 497-519.
Scientific Publication

Global water resources affected by human interventions and climate change

Haddeland, Ingjerd; Heinke, Jens; Biemans, Hester; Eisner, Stephanie; Flörke, Martina; Hanasaki, Naota; Konzmann, Markus; Ludwig, Fulco; Masaki, Yoshimitsu; Schewe, Jacob; Stacke, Tobias; Tessler, Zachary D.; Wada, Yoshihide; Wisser, Dominik. 2014. Global water resources affected by human interventions and climate change. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111: 3251-3256
Ruminant livestock and climate change in the tropics
Scientific Publication

Ruminant livestock and climate change in the tropics

Ericksen, P. J., Thornton, P.K. and Nelson, G.C. 2020. Ruminant livestock and climate change in the tropics. IN: McIntire, J. and Grace, D. (eds.). The impact of the International Livestock Research Institute. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI and Wallingford, UK: CABI: 601-638
Scientific Publication

The role of livestock in natural resources management

Thorne, P. and Herrero, M. 2003. The role of livestock in natural resources management. IN: Gill, M. et al. 2003. Food, Lives and Livelihoods: More than Food Production. BSAS Occasional Publication 21. Edinburgh: British Society of Animal Science: 87-94.
Factors influencing farmer-to-farmer extension of forage legume technology
Scientific Publication

Factors influencing farmer-to-farmer extension of forage legume technology

Sinja, J.; Nyangaga, J.; Karugia, J.T.; Waithaka, M.M.; Mwangi, D.M.; Romney, D.L. 2004. Factors influencing farmer-to-farmer extension of forage legume technology. Paper presented at the 9th KARI Biennial Scientific Conference/Kenya Agricultural Research Forum, 8-12 November 2004, Nairobi, Kenya. Nairobi (Kenya): ILRI
Scientific Publication

Adapting livestock water demand to climate change: Experience from Indo-Ganga Basin of India

Haileslassie, A., Blümmel, M., Clement, F. and Ishaq, S. 2011. Adapting livestock water demand to climate change: Experience from Indo-Ganga Basin of India. IN: Oguge, N.O., E. Omolo, and C. Lumosi, (eds). Climate Change and Natural Resource use in Eastern Africa: Impacts, Adaptation and Mitigation. Proceedings of the 3rd Scientific Conference of the Ecological Society for Eastern Africa. Nairobi, Kenya: Regal Press
Scientific Publication

Analyses of trade-offs between public health and efficiency in milk markets in Kenya, Tanzania and Ghana

Omore, A.; Staal, S.; Wanyoike, F. 2003. Analyses of trade-offs between public health and efficiency in milk markets in Kenya, Tanzania and Ghana. IN: ISVEE 10: Proceedings of the 10th Symposium of the International Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics, Vina del Mar, Chile, Developing Countries session. Vina del Mar (Chile): International Symposia for Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (ISVEE)
Scientific Publication

Risk mapping of East Coast fever in coastal and highland regions of Kenya based on predicted mortality and morbidity incidences

Diaz, C.M.; Massawe, S.C.; Clemence, A.; Gitau, G.K.; Kiara, H.K.; Muraguri, G.R.; O’Callaghan, C.J.; Perry, B.D. 2003. Risk mapping of East Coast fever in coastal and highland regions of Kenya based on predicted mortality and morbidity incidences. IN: ISVEE 10: Proceedings of the 10th Symposium of the International Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics, Vina del Mar, Chile, 17-21 November 2003. Vina del Mar (Chile). International Symposium for Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (ISVEE)
Animal welfare in Africa: Strength of cultural traditions, challenges and perspectives
Scientific Publication

Animal welfare in Africa: Strength of cultural traditions, challenges and perspectives

Qekwana, D.N., McCrindle, C.M.E., Cenci-Goga, B. and Grace, D. 2019. Animal welfare in Africa: Strength of cultural traditions, challenges and perspectives. IN: Hild, S. and Schweitzer, L. (eds). 2019. Animal welfare: From science to law. Paris, France: La Fondation Droit Animal, Éthique et Sciences (LFDA): 103–107.
Scientific Publication

Out of new stocks in 2020: a comment on

Froese, R.; Kesner-Reyes, K. (2009). Out of new stocks in 2020: a comment on 'Not all fisheries will be collapsed in 2048'. Marine Policy 33: 180-181