
Using models for informing farm level decision making, scaling and limitations
Poster / Presentation

Using models for informing farm level decision making, scaling and limitations

Whitbread, A., Dhulipala, R., Rao, K., Palanisamy, R., Emanuel, J. and Folorunso, A. 2023. Using models for informing farm level decision making, scaling and limitations. Presented at the Crop Simulation Modelling training workshop, Harare, Zimbabwe, 19-13 January 2023. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.
A Qualitative Exploratory Study of the Political Commitment for Nutrition Programming: A Case Study of Anambra and Kebbi States of Nigeria
Scientific Publication

A Qualitative Exploratory Study of the Political Commitment for Nutrition Programming: A Case Study of Anambra and Kebbi States of Nigeria

Ezekannagha, O., Drimie, S., Von Fintel, D., Maziya-Dixon, B., & Mbhenyane, X. (2024). A Qualitative Exploratory Study of the Political Commitment for Nutrition Programming: A Case Study of Anambra and Kebbi States of Nigeria. In International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (Vol. 21, Issue 2, p. 175). MDPI AG.
Report / Case study

Indigenous partnership for agrobiodiversity and food sovereignty

Gonsalves J. 2013. A new relevance and better prospects for wider uptake of social learning within CGIAR. CCAFS Working Paper no. 37. CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS). Copenhagen, Denmark.

Bélier, Côte d’Ivoire: Low-emission rural development (LED-R) at a glance

Solano, D., Simonet, G., Peteru, S. 2018. Bélier, Côte d'Ivoire: Low-emission rural development (LED-R) at a glance. In: C. Stickler et al. (Eds.). The State of Jurisdictional Sustainability California, USA; Bogor, Indonesia; Boulder, Colorado: Earth Innovation Institute (EII), Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) and Governors’ Climate and Forests Task Force (GCF).

Amazonas, Peru: Reseña del desarrollo rural de bajas emisiones (DRBE)

David, O. Perales, E. Peteru, S. Luna, P. Suárez de Freitas, G. Luque, C. 2018. Amazonas, Peru: Reseña del desarrollo rural de bajas emisiones (DRBE). In: C. Stickler et al. (Eds.). The State of Jurisdictional Sustainability California, USA; Bogor, Indonesia; Boulder, Colorado: Earth Innovation Institute (EII), Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) and Governors’ Climate and Forests Task Force (GCF).