
Swisscontact uses the Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index to develop and implement gender and social inclusion strategies in agricultural value chains in southern Honduras
Report / Case study

Swisscontact uses the Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index to develop and implement gender and social inclusion strategies in agricultural value chains in southern Honduras

CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets. 2021. Swisscontact uses the Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index to develop and implement gender and social inclusion strategies in agricultural value chains in southern Honduras. Reported in Policies, Institutions, and Markets Annual Report 2021. Outcome Impact Case Report.
CCAFS’ Gender and Social Inclusion (GSI) program provides support to the Canadian International Development Research Centre with the purpose of providing gender expertise to IDRC climate programming.

CCAFS’ Gender and Social Inclusion (GSI) program provides support to the Canadian International Development Research Centre with the purpose of providing gender expertise to IDRC climate programming.

CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security. 2019. CCAFS’ Gender and Social Inclusion (GSI) program provides support to the Canadian International Development Research Centre with the purpose of providing gender expertise to IDRC climate programming. Reported in Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security Annual Report 2019. Policy.
The Gender and Social Inclusion 5Q in Ghana

The Gender and Social Inclusion 5Q in Ghana

CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security. 2021. The Gender and Social Inclusion 5Q in Ghana. Reported in Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security Annual Report 2021. Innovations.
The Biennial Review is an instrument for triggering policy actions for agricultural transformation. Inclusion of the Africa Food Safety Index will strengthen preparedness, functionality, and performance of food safety systems.

The Biennial Review is an instrument for triggering policy actions for agricultural transformation. Inclusion of the Africa Food Safety Index will strengthen preparedness, functionality, and performance of food safety systems.

CGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health. 2019. The Biennial Review is an instrument for triggering policy actions for agricultural transformation. Inclusion of the Africa Food Safety Index will strengthen preparedness, functionality, and performance of food safety systems. Reported in Agriculture for Nutrition and Health Annual Report 2019. Policy.
CGIAR gender evaluation introduction
Poster / Presentation

CGIAR gender evaluation introduction

Bedouin, Rachel. 2017. CGIAR gender evaluation introduction. The purpose of the Diversity and Inclusion Conference is to draw attention to the areas where there is still room for improvement with respect to (gender) diversity and inclusion, and to find ways together to work on these improvements both in research and in the workplace. February 2017. Rome: CGIAR Independent Evaluation Arrangement
CGIAR gender evaluation results
Poster / Presentation

CGIAR gender evaluation results

Merrill Sands, Deborah. 2017. CGIAR gender evaluation results. The purpose of the Diversity and Inclusion Conference is to draw attention to the areas where there is still room for improvement with respect to (gender) diversity and inclusion, and to find ways together to work on these improvements both in research and in the workplace. February 2017. Rome: CGIAR Independent Evaluation Arrangement
Aprendizaje social para diseñar y escalar sistemas sostenibles de uso de la tierra (SSUT) en áreas afectadas por conflictos

Aprendizaje social para diseñar y escalar sistemas sostenibles de uso de la tierra (SSUT) en áreas afectadas por conflictos

Bonatti, M.; Medina, L.; Rodríguez, Tatiana.; del Río, M.; Morales Muñoz, H.; Eufemia, L.; Chavez-Miguel, G.; Lana, M.; Löhr, K.; Vanegas-Cubillos, M.; Chará, J.; Sieber, S.; Castro-Nunez, A. (2022) Aprendizaje social para diseñar y escalar sistemas sostenibles de uso de la tierra (SSUT) en áreas afectadas por conflictos. Políticas en síntesis No. 70. Cali (Colombnia): Centro International de Agricultura Tropical 10 p.