
Dataset / Tabular

Dataset for: Linea de salida de Conocimientos, Actitudes y Prácticas (CAP) sobre Deficiencia de Hierro (Anemia) en familias productoras de papa en la Sierra de La Libertad (September - October)

Suarez, Victor; Fonseca, Cristina; Hareau, Guy; Pradel, Willy; Carrasco, Miluska; Bartolini, Rosario; Pinedo, Felipa; Otiniano, Ronal, 2022, "Dataset for: Linea de salida de Conocimientos, Actitudes y Prácticas (CAP) sobre Deficiencia de Hierro (Anemia) en familias productoras de papa en la Sierra de La Libertad (September - October)",, International Potato Center, V1, UNF:6:LG/yh3kJSNkVYDtNu0p8ag== [fileUNF]
Training Material

Urban development: Structured learning guide

Sturgess, P.; Acker, W.; Satterthwaite, D.; Wright, Y.; Carstensen, J.; Ryan-Collins, L.; Ratcliffe, S.; Young, S. Urban development: Structured learning guide. Evidence on Demand, UK (2014) 50 pp. (DOI: 10.12774/eod_spd.august2014.sturgesspackerw)
Periodical / Journal

Special issue: Restoration for whom, by whom?

Elias, Marlène; Joshi, Deepa; Meinzen-Dick, Ruth, 'Special issue: Restoration for whom, by whom?', Ecological Restoration 39(1-2), University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, WI, 2021
Scientific Publication

Targeting food security interventions in Ethiopia

Coll-Black, Sarah et al., 'Targeting food security interventions in Ethiopia', In Food and Agriculture in Ethiopia: Progress and Policy Challenges, ed. Paul A. Dorosh and Shahidur Rashid. Chapter 10 pp. 280-317, University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, PA, 2012
Scientific Publication

The evolving role of agriculture in Ethiopia's economic development

Dorosh, Paul, 'The evolving role of agriculture in Ethiopia's economic development', In Food and Agriculture in Ethiopia: Progress and Policy Challenges, ed. Paul A. Dorosh and Shahidur Rashid. Chapter 11 pp. 318-328, University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, PA, 2012
Scientific Publication

The Politics of Staying Poor in Uganda (Draft)

The Politics of Staying Poor in Uganda (Draft), presented at Staying Poor: Chronic Poverty and Development Policy, Institute for Development Policy and Management, University of Manchester, 7-9 April 2003. Chronic Poverty Research Centre (CPRC), Manchester, UK, 53 pp
Scientific Publication

Forced migration: Fragility, resilience, and policy responses

Hernandez, Manuel A et al., 'Forced migration: Fragility, resilience, and policy responses', In Global Food Policy Report 2023: Rethinking Food Crisis Responses. Chapter 7, Pp. 72-81, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, 2023
Scientific Publication

Anthropological perspectives on groundwater irrigation: ethnographic evidence from a village in Bist Doab, Punjab

Tiwary, Rakesh; Sabatier, J. L. 2009. Anthropological perspectives on groundwater irrigation: ethnographic evidence from a village in Bist Doab, Punjab. In Mukherji, Aditi; Villholth, K. G.; Sharma, Bharat R.; Wang, J. (Eds.) Groundwater governance in the Indo-Gangetic and Yellow River basins: realities and challenges. London, UK: CRC Press. pp.221-229. (IAH Selected Papers on Hydrogeology 15)
Ten people-centered rules for socially sustainable ecosystem restoration
Scientific Publication

Ten people-centered rules for socially sustainable ecosystem restoration

Elias, M., Kandel, M., Mansourian, S., Meinzen‐Dick, R., Crossland, M., Joshi, D., Kariuki, J., Lee, L. C., McElwee, P., Sen, A., Sigman, E., Singh, R., Adamczyk, E. M., Addoah, T., Agaba, G., Alare, R. S., Anderson, W., Arulingam, I., Bellis, S. Ḵung V., … Winowiecki, L. (2021). Ten people‐centered rules for socially sustainable ecosystem restoration. In Restoration Ecology (Vol. 30, Issue 4). Wiley.