
Dataset / Tabular

Gender Roles in Household Legume Utilization for Complementary Feeding in Dedza and Ntcheu Districts of Malawi

International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT); International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas; International Potato Center (CIP); International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI). 2017. Testing of Permanent Raised Bed System for Soil and Water Conversation and Crop Intensification. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) [dataset].
Book / Monograph

Analyse-diagnostic et performances de 5 perimetres irrigues autour de barrages au Burkina Faso: Rapport final - Tome 1 du Projet Management de l'IrrigationAnalysis-diagnosis and performance of five reservoir-based irrigation schemes in Burkina Faso: Final report - Volume 1 of the Burkina Faso irrigation management project

IIMI. Burkina Faso; Sally, H.; Keita, A.; Ouattara. 1997. Analyse-diagnostic et performances de 5 perimetres irrigues autour de barrages au Burkina Faso: Rapport final - Tome 1 du Projet Management de l'Irrigation. [Analysis-diagnosis and performance of five reservoir-based irrigation schemes in Burkina Faso: Final report - Volume 1 of the Burkina Faso irrigation management project] Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: International Irrigation Management Institute (IIMI). Burkina Faso. xiii, 253p. + 6 annexes.
Scientific Publication

Enhancing soil and landscape quality in smallholder grazing systems

Steiner, J.L. Franzluebbers, A.J, Neely, C., Ellis, T., Aynekulu, E. 2014. Enhancing soil and landscape quality in smallholder grazing systems. In Lal, R. (Ed.) 2014. Soil Management of Smallholder Agriculture pp 63-112, DOI: 10.1201/b17747-5
Integrated rice and fish systems

Integrated rice and fish systems

Dubois M, Akester M, Ou P, Freed S, Leemans K, Mam K, De Silva S, Smith B, Teoh SJ, Aung HM et al. 2021. Integrated rice and fish systems. Penang, Malaysia: CGIAR Research Program on Fish Agri-Food Systems. Program Brief: FISH-2021-14
Magazine or Press item

The EU is divided on CAP reform

CTA. 2003. The EU is divided on CAP reform. Agritrade, June 2003. CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Scientific Publication

Educating agricultural researchers

Beintema, Nienke; Pardey, Philip G; Roseboom, Johannes, 'Educating agricultural researchers', International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, DC, 1998
Scientific Publication

Cashew agroforestry and changing property rights in post-war Mozambique

CGIAR Program on Collective Action and Property Rights (CAPRi), 'Cashew agroforestry and changing property rights in post-war Mozambique', In Resources, rights, and cooperation: A sourcebook on property rights and collective action for sustainable development, CGIAR Program on Collective Action and Property Rights (CAPRi). Rights to Resources and Collective Action for Agriculture, Chapter 2, Pp. 65-69, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, DC, 2010