
Scientific Publication

Do MSM in southern India change their identity or sexual role behaviour over time? Implications for the HIV epidemic

Prudden, H.J.; Mitchell, K.M.; Phillips, A.E.; Pickles, M.; Ramesh, B.M.; Washington, R.; Isac, S.; Rajaram, S.; Bradley, J.; Lorway, R.; Alary, M.; Moses, S.; Watts, C.H.; Vickerman, P.; Lowndes, C.M.; Boily, M.C.; Foss, A.M. Do MSM in southern India change their identity or sexual role behaviour over time? Implications for the HIV epidemic. Presented at AIDS 2012. (2012) 1 p
Report / Case study

Malaria: Country Profiles. Version 1.1

Williams, O.; Meek, S.; Abeku, T.; Baba, E.; Brownlow, K.; Chilundo, B.; Chinyama, M.; Hamade, P.; Kolawole, M.; Lynch, C.; Moore, S.; Pannell, A.; Riches, C.; Selby, R.A.; Sintasath, D.; Tekalegne, A.; Rowland, M.; Schapira, A. Malaria: Country Profiles. Version 1.1. DFID, London, UK (2011) 182 pp
Scientific Publication

Coping with Rainfall Variability: Dry Spell Mitigation and Implication on Landscape Water Balances in Small-scale Farming Systems in Semi-arid Niger

Barron, J.; Enfors, E.; Cambridge, H.; Moustapha, A.M. Coping with Rainfall Variability: Dry Spell Mitigation and Implication on Landscape Water Balances in Small-scale Farming Systems in Semi-arid Niger. International Journal of Water Resources Development (2010) 26 (4) 543-559. (Thematic Issue: Rainfall variability) (DOI: 10.1080/07900627.2010.519519)
Magazine or Press item

Thrips and crops

CTA. 1998. Thrips and crops. Spore 75. CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Magazine or Press item

La forêt de demain

CTA. 1993. La forêt de demain. Spore 43. CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Magazine or Press item


CTA. 1992. AGRITROP. Spore 39. CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Magazine or Press item

Mis-spent funds are clawed back

CTA. 2003. Mis-spent funds are clawed back. Agritrade, September 2003. CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
A Review of Angular Leaf Spot Resistance in Common Bean
Scientific Publication

A Review of Angular Leaf Spot Resistance in Common Bean

Nay, Michelle M.; Souza, Thiago L. P. O.; Raatz, Bodo; Mukankusi, Clare M.; Gonçalves-Vidigal, Maria C.; Abreu, Angela F. B.; Melo, Leonardo C. & Pastor-Corrales, Marcial A. (2019). A Review of Angular Leaf Spot Resistance in Common Bean. Crop Science. 59: 1-6 p.
Scientific Publication

Regional experience with Brachiaria: tropical America-savannas

Pizarro, Esteban A.; Valle, Cacilda Borges do; Keller-Grein, Gerhard; Schultze-Kraft, Rainer; Zimer, A.H. 1996. Regional experience with Brachiaria: Tropical America-savannas. In: Miles, John W; Maass, Brigitte L; Valle, Cacilda Borges do; Kumble, Vrinda (eds.). Brachiaria: Biology, agronomy, and improvement. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT); Campo Grande, BR : Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuaria (EMBRAPA), Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Gado de Corte (CNPGC), Cali, CO. p. 225-246. (CIAT publication no. 259)