
CGIAR Initiative on Diversification in East and Southern Africa and CGIAR Initiative on Gender Equality: Stakeholder Consultation Workshop
Book / Monograph

CGIAR Initiative on Diversification in East and Southern Africa and CGIAR Initiative on Gender Equality: Stakeholder Consultation Workshop

Anbacha, A.; Mapedza, Everisto; Joshi, Deepa; Nigussie, Likimyelesh; Puskur, R.; Nchanji, E.; Mukhopadhyay, P.; Nortje, Karen; Enokenwa Baa, Ojongetakah; Jacobs-Mata, Inga; Zewde, Y.; Ketema, D.; Roothaert, R.; Lutomia, C.; Gartaula, H. N. 2023. CGIAR Initiative on Diversification in East and Southern Africa and CGIAR Initiative on Gender Equality: Stakeholder Consultation Workshop. Proceedings of the Stakeholder Consultation Workshop, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 31 January 2023. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). CGIAR Initiative on Diversification in East and Southern Africa; CGIAR Initiative on Gender Equality. 22p.
Magazine or Press item

More work for Decent Work

CTA. 2003. More work for Decent Work. Spore 103. CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Report / Case study

Kigali: A Policy Narrative

Patricia Jones, Lino Ferreira, Sally Murray (2016) Kigali: A Policy Narrative. World Bank, Washington, DC
Scientific Publication

Living through conflict and post-conflict in Northern Uganda

Namakula, J.; Witter, S. Living through conflict and post-conflict: experiences of health workers in northern Uganda and lessons for people-centred health systems. Health Policy and Planning (2014) 29 (suppl 2) ii6-ii14. (DOI: 10.1093/heapol/czu022)
Solomon Islands national situation analysis
Working Paper

Solomon Islands national situation analysis

Govan, H. et al. (2013). Solomon Islands national situation analysis. CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems. Penang, Malaysia. Project Report: AAS-2013-16
Fisheries and poverty reduction

Fisheries and poverty reduction

Thorpe, A.; Andrew, N.L.; Allison, E.H. (2007). Fisheries and poverty reduction. CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources 2. no.085, 12 p
Participatory video

Participatory video

CIAT; CCAFS; Humidtropics. 2015. Participatory video. Video (Available from International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT).