
Scientific Publication

How do intrahousehold dynamics change when assets are transferred to women? Evidence from BRAC’s Challenging the Frontiers of Poverty Reduction—Targeting the Ultra Poor program in Bangladesh

Das, Narayan et al., 'How do intrahousehold dynamics change when assets are transferred to women? Evidence from BRAC’s Challenging the Frontiers of Poverty Reduction—Targeting the Ultra Poor program in Bangladesh', International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, D.C., 2013
Scientific Publication

Neither preconceptional weekly multiple micronutrient nor iron–folic acid supplements affect birth size and gestational age compared with a folic acid supplement alone in rural Vietnamese women

Ramakrishnan, Usha et al., 'Neither preconceptional weekly multiple micronutrient nor iron–folic acid supplements affect birth size and gestational age compared with a folic acid supplement alone in rural Vietnamese women', The Journal of Nutrition, vol. 146(7), pp. 1445S-1452S, Elsevier BV, 2016
Scientific Publication

An intimate partner violence prevention intervention for men, women, and couples in Ethiopia: Additional findings on substance use and depressive symptoms from a cluster-randomized controlled trial

Leight, Jessica et al., 'An intimate partner violence prevention intervention for men, women, and couples in Ethiopia: Additional findings on substance use and depressive symptoms from a cluster-randomized controlled trial', PLOS Medicine, vol. 17(8), p. e1003131, Public Library of Science (PLoS), 2020
How do intrahousehold dynamics change when assets are transferred to women? Evidence from BRAC’s challenging the frontiers of poverty reduction—targeting the ultra poor program in Bangladesh
Working Paper

How do intrahousehold dynamics change when assets are transferred to women? Evidence from BRAC’s challenging the frontiers of poverty reduction—targeting the ultra poor program in Bangladesh

Das, N.C., Yasmin, R., Ara, J., Kamruzzaman, Md., Davis, P., Behrman, J., Roy, S. and Quisumbing, A.R. 2013. How do intrahousehold dynamics change when assets are transferred to women? Evidence from BRAC’s challenging the frontiers of poverty reduction—targeting the ultra poor program in Bangladesh. IFPRI Discussion Paper 01317. Washington, D.C.: IFPRI.
Designing new tools for evaluating gender impacts for climate services in agriculture: Introduction to a series of field experiments in Rwanda

Designing new tools for evaluating gender impacts for climate services in agriculture: Introduction to a series of field experiments in Rwanda

Kramer B, Rose A, Dejene S, Mukangabo E, Mollerstrom J, Seymour G, Kagabo D. 2021. Designing new tools for evaluating gender impacts for climate services in agriculture: Introduction to a series of field experiments in Rwanda. CCAFS Info Note. Wageningen, the Netherlands: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).
Farm-Level Agricultural Biodiversity in the Peruvian Andes Is Associated with Greater Odds of Women Achieving a Minimally Diverse and Micronutrient Adequate Diet
Scientific Publication

Farm-Level Agricultural Biodiversity in the Peruvian Andes Is Associated with Greater Odds of Women Achieving a Minimally Diverse and Micronutrient Adequate Diet

Jones, Andrew D; Creed-Kanashiro, Hilary; Zimmerer, Karl S.; De Haan, Stef; Carrasco, Miluska; Meza, Krysty; Cruz-Garcia, Gisella S.; Tello, Milka; Amaya, Franklin Plasencia; Marin, R Margot; Ganoza, Lizette (2018). Farm-Level Agricultural Biodiversity in the Peruvian Andes Is Associated with Greater Odds of Women Achieving a Minimally Diverse and Micronutrient Adequate Diet. The Journal of Nutrition, 148(10): 1625-1637.
Contribution of forest foods to dietary intake and their association with household food insecurity: a cross-sectional study in women from rural Cameroon
Scientific Publication

Contribution of forest foods to dietary intake and their association with household food insecurity: a cross-sectional study in women from rural Cameroon

Fungo, R.; Muyonga, J.; Kabahenda, M.; Kaaya, A.; Okia, C.C.; Donn, P.; Mathurin, T.; Tchingsabe, O.; Tiegehungo, J.C.; Loo, J.; Snook. L. (2016) Contribution of forest foods to dietary intake and their association with household food insecurity: a cross-sectional study in women from rural Cameroon. Public Health Nutrition 19(17) p. 3185-3196. ISSN: 1368-9800
Effect of nutrition education and psychosocial factors on child feeding practices: findings of a field experiment with biofortified foods and different women categories
Scientific Publication

Effect of nutrition education and psychosocial factors on child feeding practices: findings of a field experiment with biofortified foods and different women categories

Mutiso, J.M.; Okello, J.J.; Lagerkvist, C.J.; Muoki, P.; Kosura, W.O.; Heck, S. 2018. Effect of nutrition education and psychosocial factors on child feeding practices: findings of a field experiment with biofortified foods and different women categories. Ecology of Food and Nutrition. ISSN 0367-0244. 57:4. p. 346-371
Scientific Publication

Population estimates, consequences, and risk factors of obesity among pregnant and postpartum women in India: Results from a national survey and policy recommendations

Chopra, Mansi et al., 'Population estimates, consequences, and risk factors of obesity among pregnant and postpartum women in India: Results from a national survey and policy recommendations', International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 151(S1): 57-67, International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, 2020
Research for development using participatory rapid diagnosis and action planning for irrigated agricultural systems: a manual for development researchers and practitioners. Updated edition
Training Material

Research for development using participatory rapid diagnosis and action planning for irrigated agricultural systems: a manual for development researchers and practitioners. Updated edition

Lemperiere, Philippe; van der Schans, M. L.; Bavanirajan, Valentine J. G. 2014. Research for development using participatory rapid diagnosis and action planning for irrigated agricultural systems: a manual for development researchers and practitioners. Updated edition. Rome, Italy: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO); Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI).: 134p.
Scientific Publication

Can microplots contribute to rural households’ food security? Evaluation of a gender-sensitive land allocation program in West Bengal, India

Santos, Florence et al., 'Can microplots contribute to rural households’ food security? Evaluation of a gender-sensitive land allocation program in West Bengal, India', In Learning from eight agricultural development interventions in Africa and South Asia. Eds. Quisumbing, Agnes R.; Meinzen-Dick, Ruth Suseela; Njuki, Jemimah and Johnson, Nancy. Pp. 11-14., International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, D.C., 2013