
Poster / Presentation

Mapping of gender roles and decision making in milk value chains in Tanzania

Sikira, A. 2013. Mapping of gender roles and decision making in milk value chains in Tanzania. Presented at the Livestock and Fish Gender Working Group Workshop and Planning Meeting, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 14-18 October 2013. Morogoro, Tanzania: Sokoine University of Agriculture.
Development of a dichotomous indicator for population-level assessment of the dietary diversity of women of reproductive age
Scientific Publication

Development of a dichotomous indicator for population-level assessment of the dietary diversity of women of reproductive age

Martin-Prevel, Y.; Arimond, M.; Allemand, P.; Wiesmann, D.; Ballard, T.J.; Deitchler, M.; Dop, M.C.; Kennedy, G.; Lartey, A.; Lee, W.T.K.; Moursi, M. (2017) Development of a dichotomous indicator for population-level assessment of the dietary diversity of women of reproductive age. Current Developments in Nutrition 1(12) cdn.117.001701. ISSN: 2475-2991