
Scientific Publication

The impact of shocks on gender-differentiated asset dynamics: Evidence from Bangladesh

Rakib, Muntaha; Matz, Julia Anna, 'The impact of shocks on gender-differentiated asset dynamics: Evidence from Bangladesh', In Enhancing women’s assets to manage risk under climate change: Potential for group-based approaches. Ringler, Claudia; Quisumbing, Agnes R.; Bryan, Elizabeth; Meinzen-Dick, Ruth Suseela, Eds. 2014. Pp. 25-28, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, D.C., 2014
Scientific Publication

The gender asset gap and its implications for agricultural and rural development

Meinzen-Dick, R., Johnson, N., Quisumbing, A.R., Njuki, J., Behrman, J.A., Rubin, D., Peterman, A. and Waithanji, E. 2014. The gender asset gap and its implications for agricultural and rural development. IN: Quisumbing, A.R. et al. (eds.). 2014. Gender in agriculture: Closing the knowledge gap. Dordrecht: Springer and Rome: FAO: 91-115
Building gender-sensitive climate-smart agriculture approaches for sustainable food-energy systems
Scientific Publication

Building gender-sensitive climate-smart agriculture approaches for sustainable food-energy systems

Yami, M., Haddis, E., Birhane, E. & Kidu, G. (2019). Building gender-sensitive climate-smart agriculture approaches for sustainable food-energy systems. In K.M. Hadgu, B. Bishaw, M. Iiyama, E. Birhane, A. Negussie, C.M. Davies and B. Bernart, Climate-smart agriculture: enhancing resilient agricultural systems, landscapes, and livelihoods in Ethiopia and beyond (p. 203-210). Nairobi, Kenya: World Agroforestry.
Scientific Publication

The impact of perennial forage varieties in milk productivity and gender role

Ravichandran, T., Mududhula, V., Teufel, N. and Blümmel, M. 2019. The impact of perennial forage varieties in milk productivity and gender role. IN: Das, A., Das, S., Sarkar, S., Patra, A.K., Manda, G.P. and Soren, S. (eds.). 2019. Nutritional Strategies for Improving Farm Profitability and Clean Animal Production. Book of Abstracts of International Conference on Animal Nutrition 2019, Kolkata, India, 17-19 December 2019. Karnal, India: National Dairy Research Institute.
Gender roles and preferences in animal feeding technologies: A case from Mali
Poster / Presentation

Gender roles and preferences in animal feeding technologies: A case from Mali

Jarial, S., Fischer, G., Hoeschle-Zeledon, I., Nantoume, H., Zemadim, B., Soguba, B. and Tabo, R. 2016. Gender roles and preferences in animal feeding technologies: A case from Mali. Poster prepared for the Africa RISING West Africa Review and Planning Meeting, Accra, 30 March–1 April 2016. Niamey, Niger: ICRISAT.