
Book / Monograph

Dari desa ke desa: dinamika gender dan pengelolaan kekayaan alam

Indriatmoko, Y., Yuliani, L., Tarigan, Y., Gaban, F., Maulana, F., Munggoro, D., Lopulalan, D., Adnan, H., eds. 2007. Dari desa ke desa: dinamika gender dan pengelolaan kekayaan alam . Bogor, Indonesia, CIFOR. 131p. ISBN: ISBN-13: 978-979-24-4686-9; ISBN-10: 979-24-4686-9..
Scientific Publication

A gender–natural resources tango: Water, land, and forest research

Joshi, Deepa et al., 'A gender–natural resources tango: Water, land, and forest research', In Advancing gender equality through agricultural and environmental research: Past, present, and future, eds. Rhiannon Pyburn, and Anouka van Eerdewijk. Chapter 6, Pp. 221-258, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, 2021
A gender-natural resources tango: Water, land, and forest research
Scientific Publication

A gender-natural resources tango: Water, land, and forest research

Joshi, Deepa; Monterroso, Iliana; Gallant, Bryce; Perera, Kokila; and Peveri, Valentina. 2021. A gender–natural resources tango: Water, land, and forest research. In Advancing gender equality through agricultural and environmental research: Past, present, and future, eds. Rhiannon Pyburn, and Anouka van Eerdewijk. Chapter 6, Pp. 221-258. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
Poster / Presentation

Gender in value chain: ILRI/IPMS experience in Ethiopia

Tesema, E. 2012. Gender in value chain: ILRI/IPMS experience in Ethiopia. Presented at the Multi-Stakeholder’s Symposium on Empowering Women in Value Chains, Beshale Hotel, Addis Ababa, 15 March 2012. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.