
Proyectos integrados de yuca: Una metodologia para el desarrollo rural
Scientific Publication

Proyectos integrados de yuca: Una metodologia para el desarrollo rural

Perez-Crespo, C.A.. 1991. Proyectos integrados de yuca: Una metodologia para el desarrollo rural . In: Pérez-Crespo, C.A. (ed.). Proyectos integrados de yuca . Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. p. 28-45. (Documento de trabajo no. 79)
Scientific Publication

Whiteflies as vectors of viruses in legume and vegetable mixed cropping systems in the tropical lowlands of Central America, Mexico and the Caribbean. Costa Rica

Morales, Francisco José; Hilje, Luko; Vallejos, Juan; Sibaja, Guillermo; Araya Fernández, Carlos Manuel; Araya Villalobos, Rodolfo. 2005. Whiteflies as vectors of viruses in legume and vegetable mixed cropping systems in the tropical lowlands of Central America, Mexico and the Caribbean. Costa Rica. In: Anderson, Pamela K.; Morales, Francisco José (eds.). Whitefly and whitefly-borne viruses in the tropics: Building a knowledge base for global action. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. p. 217-221. (CIAT publication no. 341)
Scientific Publication

Aspectos fisiologicos de Andropogon gayanus y su compatibilidad con las leguminosas forrajeras

TOLEDO, J.M.; FISHER, M.J. 1989. Aspectos fisiologicos de Andropogon gayanus y su compatibilidad con las leguminosas forrajeras. In: Toledo, José M.; Vera, Raúl R.; Lascano, Carlos E.; Lenné, Jillian M. (eds.). Andropogon gayanus Kunth: Un pasto para los suelos ácidos del trópico. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. p. 69-104.
Farmer evaluations of technology: a handbook
Training Material

Farmer evaluations of technology: a handbook

Ashby, Jacqueline Anne; Pachico, Douglas H. 1989. Farmer evaluations of technology : A handbook. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), IPRA Projects, Cali, CO. 118 p. (Documento de trabajo no. 7)
Biofortified Yellow-Fleshed Potatoes Provide More Absorbable Zinc than a Commonly Consumed Variety: A Randomized Trial Using Stable Isotopes in Women in the Peruvian Highlands
Scientific Publication

Biofortified Yellow-Fleshed Potatoes Provide More Absorbable Zinc than a Commonly Consumed Variety: A Randomized Trial Using Stable Isotopes in Women in the Peruvian Highlands

Liria-Domínguez, M.R.; Penny, M.E.; Kroon, P.A.; Burgos, G.; Dainty, J.; Zeder, C.; Zimmermann, M.; King, J. C.; Mithen, R.; Boy, E.; Al-Jaiballi, O.; Fairweather-Tait, S. 2023. Biofortified Yellow-Fleshed Potatoes Provide More Absorbable Zinc than a Commonly Consumed Variety: A Randomized Trial Using Stable Isotopes in Women in the Peruvian Highlands. Journal of Nutrition. ISSN 1541-6100. 33 p.
Scientific Publication

Evaluation of cassava interspecific hybrids for disease resistance

Rodriguez, Miguel Angel Dita; Alves, Alfredo Augusto Cunha; Silva, Alineaurea Florentino; Bellotti, Anthony C.; Fregene, Martin A. 2008. Evaluation of cassava interspecific hybrids for disease resistance [abstract]. In: Scientific Meeting of the Global Cassava Partnership (GCP-1) (1, 2008, Ghent, Belgium). Proceedings. Institute of Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries (IPBO), Ghent, BE. p. 146.