
Scientific Publication

Water and sanitation issues for persons with disabilities in low- and middle-income countries: a literature review and discussion of implications for global health and international development

Groce, N.; Bailey, N.; Lang, R.; Trani, J.F.; Kett, M. Water and sanitation issues for persons with disabilities in low- and middle-income countries: a literature review and discussion of implications for global health and international development. Journal of Water and Health (2011) 9 (4) 617-624. (DOI: 10.2166/wh.2011.198)
Scientific Publication

Statistical methods for estimating species richness of woody regeneration in primary and secondary rain forests of Northeastern Costa Rica

Chazdon, R.L., Colwell, R.K., Denslow, J.S., Guariguata, M.R. 1998. Statistical methods for estimating species richness of woody regeneration in primary and secondary rain forests of Northeastern Costa Rica . Man and the Biosphere Series No.Vol. 20. In: Dallmeier, F., Comiskey, J.A. (eds.). Forest biodiversity research, monitoring and modeling: conceptual background and old world case studies. :285-309.
Poster / Presentation

Exploring beneficial microbes in tropical silages

Martens, Siriwan D.; Torres, Julieta; Sanabria, Adriana M.; Abello, Javier Francisco; Avila Vargas, Patricia; Gil Llanos, Jorge Luis. 2009. Exploring beneficial microbes in tropical silages [poster] [on line]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 1 p.
Scientific Publication

Economics of tractor ownership with applications in Ghana

Houssou, Nazaire et al., 'Economics of tractor ownership with applications in Ghana', Presented at CSAE Conference 2015: Economic Development in Africa, St Catherine's College, Oxford 22nd - 24th March 2015, International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE), 2015