
Working Paper

Role of nongovernmental organizations in the improvement of minor irrigation systems in Sri Lanka: proceedings of a Workshop held at Digana Village, Kandy, Sri Lanka, 17-18 March 1989

Dayaratne, M. H. S.; Wickramesinghe, G. (Eds.) 1990. Role of nongovernmental organizations in the improvement of minor irrigation systems in Sri Lanka: proceedings of a Workshop held at Digana Village, Kandy, Sri Lanka, 17-18 March 1989. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Irrigation Management Institute (IIMI). viii, 56p. (IIMI Working Paper 018)
Working Paper

Formal water rights in rural Tanzania: deepening the dichotomy?

van Koppen, Barbara; Sokile, C. S.; Hatibu, N.; Lankford, B. A.; Mahoo, H.; Yanda, P.Z. 2004. Formal water rights in rural Tanzania: deepening the dichotomy? Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). vii, 26p. (IWMI Working Paper 071) doi: