
Scientific Publication

Gender, Development, Children and Young People

Boyden, J.; Crivello, G.; Morrow, V. Gender, Development, Children and Young People In: Coles, A.; Gray, L.; Momsen, J.(Eds). The Routledge Handbook of Gender and Development. Routledge, London and New York, (2015) 225-235. ISBN 978-0-415-82908-3
Scientific Publication

‘Each one of us had a dream’

Presler-Marshall, M., Youssef, S., Jones, N. and Małachowska, A. (2022) ‘Each one of us had a dream’: An exploration of factors supporting gender-responsive education and economic empowerment pathways for refugee youth in Lebanon. London: ODI
Magazine or Press item

Women and children first

CTA. 2002. Women and children first. Spore 100. CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Making agriculture cool
Magazine or Press item

Making agriculture cool

Bafana, Busani. 2018. Making agriculture cool. IPS News. 9 November 2018.
Making internship policy a must [Sierra Leone]
Report / Case study

Making internship policy a must [Sierra Leone]

Bassie, Ann-Marie, Samuel Palmer and Mary Nelson. 2018. Making internship policy a must. IN: CTA. 2018. Experience capitalization: Insights on rural development in West Africa. Experience Capitalization Series 3. Wageningen: CTA: 57-61.