
Scientific Publication

Lessons learned from the evaluation of Helen Keller International’s enhanced homestead food production program

Olney, Deanna et al., 'Lessons learned from the evaluation of Helen Keller International’s enhanced homestead food production program', In Achieving a nutrition revolution for Africa: The road to healthier diets and optimal nutrition. Covic, Namukolo and Hendriks, Sheryl L. (Eds.). Chapter 6. Pp. 67-81, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, 2016

Gendered Impacts of Globalization: Employment and Social Protection

Razavi, S.; Arza, C.; Braunstein, E.; Cook, S.; Goulding, K. Gendered Impacts of Globalization: Employment and Social Protection. UNRISD (United Nations Research Institute for Social Development), Geneva, Switzerland (2012) 4 pp. (UNRISD Research and Policy Brief No. 13)
Scientific Publication

Climate-smart perennial systems

Jassogne, L.; van Asten, P.; Laderach, P.; Craparo, A.; Wanyama, I.; Nibasumba, A.; Bielders, C. Climate-smart perennial systems. IITA Research for Development Review (2013) (9) 12-16
Report / Case study

Understanding the Social Protection Implications of Changing Demographics in Rwanda

Rachel Sabates-Wheeler, Emily Wylde, Martina Ulrichs, Isabella Aboderin, Jeannette Bayisenge, Albert Irambeshya (2018) Population Ageing in Rwanda: Current Needs, Future Projections, and Implications for Policy: Final Report. Brighton: Institute of Development Studies Centre for Social Protection (2018) What are the implications of ageing and demographic change in Rwanda? IDS Policy Briefing, Issue February 2018