
Report / Factsheet

Structural vulnerability to climate change in Bangladesh: a literature review. (Project report prepared by IWMI for the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) under the project 'Water-related Interventions to Reduce Vulnerability to Climate Change: Do they Address the Structural Causes of Gendered Vulnerability in the IGP (Indo Gangetic Plains)')

de Silva, Sanjiv, 'Structural vulnerability to climate change in Bangladesh: a literature review. (Project report prepared by IWMI for the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) under the project 'Water-related Interventions to Reduce Vulnerability to Climate Change: Do they Address the Structural Causes of Gendered Vulnerability in the IGP (Indo Gangetic Plains)')', 2012
Women in fisheries in Asia
Scientific Publication

Women in fisheries in Asia

I. Siason et al., 'Women in fisheries in Asia', Global Symposium on Women in Fisheries: Sixth Asian Fisheries Forum, 29 November 2001, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, WorldFish, 2019
Gendered perspectives of trees on farms in Nicaragua: Considerations for agroforestry, coffee cultivation, and climate change

Gendered perspectives of trees on farms in Nicaragua: Considerations for agroforestry, coffee cultivation, and climate change

Gumucio, Tatiana; Twyman, Jennifer; Clavijo, Monica. 2017. Gendered perspectives of trees on farms in Nicaragua: Considerations for agroforestry, coffee cultivation, and climate change. Working Paper. International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT); CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS); CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA). Cali, Colombia. 16 p. (CIAT Publication No.432)
RTB Gender Research Agenda 2019-2021
Report / Factsheet

RTB Gender Research Agenda 2019-2021

Tubers and Bananas CGIAR Research Program on Roots, 'RTB Gender Research Agenda 2019-2021', International Potato Center, 2019