
Dataset / Tabular

Building Parental Capacity to Help Child Development: A Randomized Controlled Trial of the Save the Children Early Childhood Stimulation Program in Bangladesh 2013-2014: Baseline Survey (Bangladesh)

Marjorie Chinen (American Institutes for Research); Julia Lane (American Institutes for Research), 'Building Parental Capacity to Help Child Development: A Randomized Controlled Trial of the Save the Children Early Childhood Stimulation Program in Bangladesh 2013-2014: Baseline Survey (Bangladesh)', 2014
Scientific Publication

Issues and challenges in the adoption of resource conservation technologies: A case study from rice-wheat system of the Pakistan's Punjab

Masih, Ilyas; Khan, Abdul Hakeem; Turral, Hugh; Chaudhry, Muhammad Rafiq. 2006. Issues and challenges in the adoption of resource conservation technologies: A case study from rice-wheat system of the Pakistan's Punjab. In International Conference on Agricultural Engineering : Issues and Strategies. Agricultural University, Faisalabad, Pakistan, 16-18 February, 2006. 18p.
Dataset / Tabular

Travel Time to Markets in Africa South of the Sahara

HarvestChoice; International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), 2018, "Travel Time to Markets in Africa South of the Sahara",, Harvard Dataverse, V2