
Scientific Publication

Sub-Saharan Africa

Davis, Kristin; Addom, B. K, 'Sub-Saharan Africa', In ICTs for agricultural extension: Global experiments, innovations and experiences, ed. R. Saravanan, New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi, India, 2010
Scientific Publication


Bouis, Howarth; Welch, Ross M, 'Biofortification', Crop Science, vol. 50, pp. S-20-S-32, Wiley, 2010
Scientific Publication

Beyond grain security

Gulati, Ashok; Ganguly, Kavery, 'Beyond grain security', In Business standard India 2008. Pp. 26-54, BS Books, New Delhi, India, 2008
Scientific Publication

Doha scenarios, trade reforms, and poverty in the Philippines: a CGE analysis

Cororaton, Caesar B; Cockburn, John; Corong, Erwin, 'Doha scenarios, trade reforms, and poverty in the Philippines: a CGE analysis', In Winters, L. Alan; Thomas Hertel. Putting development back into the Doha agenda: poverty impacts of a WTO agreement. Chapter 13, World Bank, Washington, D.C., 2005
Scientific Publication

Financing agricultural R&D in rich countries: what's happening and why?

Pardey Philip; Alston, Julian M; Smith, V. H, 'Financing agricultural R&D in rich countries: what's happening and why?', In K. Fuglie and D. Schimmelpfennig, eds. Public-Private Collaboration in Agricultural Research: New Institutional Arrangements and Economic Implications, Iowa State University Press., Ames, IA, 2000
Scientific Publication

Egypt's food subsidy policy

Alderman, H; von Braun, Joachim, 'Egypt's food subsidy policy', Food Policy, vol. 11(3), pp. 223-237, Elsevier BV, 1986
Scientific Publication

Biofortification: A new tool to reduce micronutrient malnutrition

Bouis, Howarth et al., 'Biofortification: A new tool to reduce micronutrient malnutrition', In Improving diets and nutrition: Food-based approaches, ed. Brian Thompson, and Leslie Amoroso. Part II. Policy and Programme Experiences. Chapter 16. Pp. 202-215, CABI; Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Wallingford, Oxfordshire; Rome, Italy, 2014
Scientific Publication

Agricultural production and children’s diets

Hirvonen, Kalle; Hoddinott, John F, 'Agricultural production and children’s diets', Presented at the 29th Triennial International Conference of Agricultural Economists (ICAE), August 8 -14, 2015 in Milan, Italy, International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE), 2015
Dataset / Tabular

Assessment of varieties of Cassava for high yield, high dry matter and disease resistance using NCRP Trial (18 clones) in Abuja 2019/2020 Breeding Season from gensel.c1.uyt34 and ncrri materials.AB

Kulakow, Peter; Ismail Rabbi, 'Assessment of varieties of Cassava for high yield, high dry matter and disease resistance using NCRP Trial (18 clones) in Abuja 2019/2020 Breeding Season from gensel.c1.uyt34 and ncrri materials.AB', International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 2020
Scientific Publication

Trypanocidal drug resistance in West Africa

D'Ieteren, G.D.M. et al., 'Trypanocidal drug resistance in West Africa', European Union Concerted Action on Integrated Control of Pathogenic Trypanosomes and their Vectors, 2000
ILCA Bulletin No. 20

ILCA Bulletin No. 20

International Livestock Centre for Africa, 'ILCA Bulletin No. 20', ILCA Bulletin, vol. 20, 1984