
Scientific Publication

Decent work in global production networks: Framing the policy debate

Barrientos, S.; Mayer, F.; Pickles, J.; Posthuma, A. Decent work in global production networks: Framing the policy debate. International Labour Review (2011) 150 (3-4) 297-317. (Special feature on ‘Decent work in global production networks’) (DOI: 10.1111/j.1564-913X.2011.00118.x)
Report / Case study

Water Security and Climate Change

Cooper, R. & Price, R.A. (2021). Water Security and Climate Change. K4D Helpdesk Report 758. Brighton, UK: Institute of Development Studies, DOI: 10.19088/K4D.2021.116
Scientific Publication

Learning “Loss” and Learning “Gain” in Primary School Years

Banerji, R. 2020. Learning “Loss” and Learning “Gain” in Primary School Years: What Do We Know from India That Can Help Us Think Forward in the COVID-19 Crisis?. RISE Insight Series. 2020/019. https://doi. org/10.35489/BSG-RISE-RI_2020/019