
Poster / Presentation

Safe Food, Fair Food: Summary of findings within sheep value chains in the Atsbi and Abergelle districts of the Ethiopian Highlands

Rischkowsky, B., Dewe, T. and Roesel, K. 2013. Safe Food, Fair Food: Summary of findings within sheep value chains in the Atsbi and Abergelle districts of the Ethiopian Highlands. Presented at the Multi-stakeholder Workshop for Targeting Action Research on Atsbi sheep and Abergelle goat Value Chains in Tigray, Ethiopia, Mekelle, 19-20 March 2013. Addis Ababa: CGIAR Research Program on Livestock and Fish.
Nutrition and food safety perception
Poster / Presentation

Nutrition and food safety perception

Duong, M.C., Brown, S.M., Hung Nguyen-Viet, Grace, D., Ty, C., Samkol, P., Sokchea, H., Pov, S. and Young, M.F. 2021. Nutrition and food safety perception. Presented at the Safe Food, Fair Food for Cambodia project final workshop, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 21–22 June 2021. Atlanta, USA: Emory University.