
Scientific Publication

"Para nosotros, esta agua es vida" - el riego en condiciones adversas: los usuarios de aguas residuales en Irapuato, Mexico. In Spanish"For us this water is life" - irrigating under adverse conditions: wastewater users in Irapuato, Mexico

Buechler, S. J.; Scott, C. A. 2000. "Para nosotros, esta agua es vida" - el riego en condiciones adversas: los usuarios de aguas residuales en Irapuato, Mexico. In Spanish. ["For us this water is life" - irrigating under adverse conditions: wastewater users in Irapuato, Mexico] In Scott, C. A.; Wester, P.; Maranon-Pimental, B. (Eds.). Asignacion, productividad y manejo de recursos hidricos en cuencas: memorias del Seminario Internacional Asignacion, Manejo y Productividad de los Recursos Hidricos en Cuencas, 7-9 Mayo 2000. In Spanish. Mexico, DF., Mexico: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). pp.135-153. (IWMI Serie Latinoamericana 020)
Scientific Publication

Evaluating the management effectiveness of three marine protected areas in the Calamianes Islands, Palawan Province, Philippines: Process, selected results and their implications for planning and management

Garces, L.R. et al. (2013). Evaluating the management effectiveness of three marine protected areas in the Calamianes Islands, Palawan Province, Philippines: Process, selected results and their implications for planning and management. Ocean & Coastal Management, 81: 49-57