CGIAR Gender News

Building knowledge of nutrition benefits of aquatic foods in Timor-Leste

WorldFish Photo Photo Credit: WorldFish.

Aquatic foods like farmed fish are full of micronutrients that support children’s growth and development.

Yet a new survey of 279 households in Timor-Leste shows many mothers are worried about feeding their kids fish because of the risk of choking on bones.

“Most women know about the immense benefits of fish for children’s health, yet the majority are not giving their infants and young children much fish,” said WorldFish Post-Doctoral Fellow Gianna Bonis-Profumo, the baseline survey team leader.

To help combat parents’ fears, tips on preparing fish for children have been shared in the Lafaek Community magazine (edition 1 2023).

The magazine, run by CARE International, is distributed for free to about 50 percent of the households across Timor-Leste three times per year.

“The tips in Lafaek are intended to boost parents’ confidence and skills around deboning fish, helping to increase fish consumption among young children, starting from six months old,” said Bonis-Profumo.