La revolution des algues: A seaweed revolution for a new future in sustainable food systems

Vincent Doumeizel identified the potential and opportunities in using seaweed to mobilize a global revolution for sustainable, healthy and climate-equitable diets in his new book ‘La Revolution des Algues’.
In January 2022, Vincent Doumeizel, senior advisor on oceans at United Nations Global Compact launched his book ‘La Revolution des Algues’ identifying the potential and opportunities in using seaweed to mobilize a global revolution for sustainable, healthy and climate-equitable diets. The launch of this book complements his advocacy work for seaweed through The Seaweed Manifesto and his leadership in the first international platform for seaweed stakeholders, the Safe Seaweed Coalition.
“Seaweed holds untapped potential in sustainably feeding our population and animals as well as to support agricultural systems by replacing fertilizers. Seaweed s for new medicines as well as cleaning the ocean and replacing plastic or unsustainable products such as cotton,” elaborates Doumeizel on the opportunities offered by seaweed cultivation.
“Seaweed will not only contribute to decarbonizing the economy but also absorb more greenhouse gases than any tropical forest to mitigate climate change and sequester carbon in the deep sea. Eventually and importantly, it will also provide sources of revenue and jobs to coastal communities where fishing is declining. No one ever really voiced that positive message for a regenerative system both on land and in the ocean. We need to start now and this is the idea behind the genesis of my book,” added Doumeizel.