Alliances module

People showing crops

The Alliances module builds and harnesses partnerships within and beyond CGIAR to strengthen the skills and capacities of scientists and partners to conduct quality, impactful gender-focused and gender-integrated research. It also aims to stimulate institutional changes in agricultural research for development to foster gender-equitable global food systems. The module’s activities underpin and draw on the work conducted in the other modules to effect change.

With ‘gender equality, inclusion and youth’ elevated to one of CGIAR’s impact areas, the Alliances module is also spearheading efforts to invigorate CGIAR culture and institutions that value, support and place gender equality at the heart of its research agenda.

Building skills and capacities

In terms of capacity strengthening, a leadership program co-developed with African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD) aims to equip gender researchers from CGIAR and national agriculture research systems to push the boundaries of innovation in their field. The goal is for them to confidently and competently move into influential, agenda-setting positions in the system over time. 

A program for interdisciplinary teams working on gender-responsive research supports CGIAR and national researchers to meaningfully integrate gender in thematic areas of strategic importance to CGIAR, such as climate research and breeding. Co-developed and delivered through Gender-responsive Researchers Equipped for Agricultural Transformation (GREAT), the program strengthens capacities to generate research and innovations that leave no one behind and contribute to women’s empowerment and gender equality. 

Creating alliances and coalitions for change

The annual GENDER conference is a key channel for presenting research results, building partnerships, strengthening capacities and increasing the visibility and influence of gender in food systems research. 

Partnerships and alliances are at the core of this module to ensure that CGIAR remains relevant and responsive to emerging needs and trends, to scale innovations and to stimulate evidence-based policy changes and investments for sustainable gender outcomes. Engagement with a wide range of stakeholders across food systems allows CGIAR to share its gender research in influential processes and initiatives, building on the CGIAR GENDER Platform’s work to advance gender equality and women’s empowerment.


Marlene Elias of The Alliance

Marlène Elias

Alliances Module Leader; Gender Lead and Gender research coordinator Alliance of Bioversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture