Worku, M., Gelaw, B., Tesema, B., Ferede, G., Moodley, A. and Grace, D. 2022. High erythromycin-resistant Campylobacter jejuni and C. coli among humans and chickens in Africa. Poster prepared for the 16th International Symposium of Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics, Halifax, Canada, 11 August 2022. Hawassa, Ethiopia: Hawassa University.
Tebug, S.F., Baltenweck, I., Poole, E.J., Missohou, A., Ema, P.J.N., Juga, J., Tapio, M. and Marshall, K. 2014. Determinants of use of breeding technologies in small to medium scale dairy cattle farms in Senegal. Poster prepared for the Tropentag 2014 Conference on Bridging the Gap between Increasing Knowledge and Decreasing Resources, Prague, 17-19 September 2014. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.
Jameel Observatory for Food Security Early Action. 2024. Inclusive value chains: Pastoralism, pathways to prosperity. Poster prepared for 4th Pastoralist Leadership Summit, Wajir, Kenya, 8-10 December 2024. Nairobi, Kenya: International Livestock Research Institute
Quisumbing, Agnes R. 2024. Gender, assets, empowerment, and resilience: Evidence and insights for programs. Presentation given at Fragile Lives Conference 2024 in Berlin on October 1, 2024. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute.
Ringler, Claudia; Abdelmeguid, Reem; and Mukherji, Aditi. 2022. Accelerated Action for Food Systems Resilience: Egypt’s plans for COP27 and the role of CGIAR: Presentation. Presentation prepared October 2022.
Jameel Observatory for Food Security Early Action. 2024. Inclusion - leave no one behind: Pastoralism, pathways to prosperity. Poster prepared for 4th Pastoralist Leadership Summit, Wajir, Kenya, 8-10 December 2024. Nairobi, Kenya: International Livestock Research Institute
Ouma, E. 2024. Sustainable Animal Productivity for Livelihoods, Nutrition and Gender inclusion (SAPLING). A presentation made at the 1st Pig Genetics stakeholder workshop held in Kampala, Uganda. Nairobi, Kenya: International Livestock Research Institute.
Notenbaert, A.M., Mutua, J., Mwendia, S., Nicholas, K., Mukiri, J., Siffray, P. (2018). Mapping the suitability of tropical forages - now and in the future. International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT). Cali. CO. 1p.
International Water Management Institute. 2024. Resilience through agricultural water management: Gender matters, 2007–2013. Poster prepared for the ILRI at Fifty, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 4 November 2024. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.
Mekonnen K, Amene T, Gebreyes M, Bezabih M, Adie A, Whitbread A. 2023. Feed and Forage Innovations: Key opportunities for driving sustainable intensification of crop-livestock systems. Nairobi, Kenya. International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI).
Lutomia, C.K.; Ketema, D.M.; Nchanji, E.B. (2024) From afterthought to forefront: Transforming agricultural resilience through co-designed socio-technical innovations. 1 p.
Chevallier R. 2024. Long-Term, Low Emission and Climate Resilient Development Strategies (LTS) presentation recap. AICCRA Presentation. Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA).
Muthoni Andriatsitohaina, Rachel. (2018). SDC and IBPMA-GAC results 2017 : PABRA STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING 2018 . International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), Pan-Africa Bean Research Alliance - PABRA. 13 p.
Roesel, K. 2019. Urban food markets in Africa - Incentivizing food safety. Introducing the Pull-push project. Presentation at the Pull-push project inception meeting, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 14 February 2019. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.
Scoones, Ian. 2024. Policy and practice disconnects and resilience building in pastoral areas of the Horn of Africa. Presentation at a Policy Dialogue on Pastoralists' Resilience in the Horn of Africa Drylands, Nairobi, 8 February 2024. Nairobi, Kenya: International Livestock Research Institute
Jordan, I.; Natukunda, A.; Waswa, L.; Termote, C.; Keding, G. (2024) Agro-Pastoralists use participatory video making to reflect on their food environment in Turkana, Kenya. 1 p.
Kim, Kwang Soo; Hyun, Shin Woo; and Lee, Seok-Ho. 2024. Statistics from space: Application of hybrid crop yield prediction system to Mozambique. Presentation. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute.