
Dairy entrepreneur John Ngasha with Lydia Kimachas from the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Nakuru, Kenya. Photo: Georgina Smith/ILRI.
  • From hotspots to hope: Unearthing gender narratives in climate-touched terrains
    Poster / Presentation

    From hotspots to hope: Unearthing gender narratives in climate-touched terrains

    CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform. 2023. From hotspots to hope: Unearthing gender narratives in climate-touched terrains. Presentation. Presented at the CGIAR GENDER Conference 'From Research to Impact: Towards just and resilient agri-food systems', New Delhi, India, 9-12 October 2023. CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform
  • Assessment and remedies for reducing the drudgeries of women farmers in postharvest operations of millets
    Poster / Presentation

    Assessment and remedies for reducing the drudgeries of women farmers in postharvest operations of millets

    Chapke, Rajendra R.; Spanditha, Muppidi; Burakasri, Kanthisri; Satyavathi, C. Tara. 2023. Assessment and remedies for reducing the drudgeries of women farmers in postharvest operations of millets. Poster. Presented at the CGIAR GENDER Conference 'From Research to Impact: Towards just and resilient agri-food systems', New Delhi, India, 9-12 October 2023. Indian Council of Agricultural Research
  • Transforming lives via agroforestry: Breaking barriers through gender mainstreaming equality
    Poster / Presentation

    Transforming lives via agroforestry: Breaking barriers through gender mainstreaming equality

    Bohra, Babita; Choudhary, Rajendra; Singh, Rajkumar; Rizvi, Aqeel; Singh, Archna; Gallagher, Emily Jeanne; Rizvi, Javed; Dhyani, Shiv Kumar; Biradar, Chandrashekhar. 2023. Transforming lives via agroforestry: Breaking barriers through gender mainstreaming equality. Poster. Presented at the CGIAR GENDER Conference 'From Research to Impact: Towards just and resilient agri-food systems', New Delhi, India, 9-12 October 2023. CIFOR-ICRAF
  • Unpacking the Gender-smartness of Climate-smart Agriculture in India
    Poster / Presentation

    Unpacking the Gender-smartness of Climate-smart Agriculture in India

    Tyagi, Niharika; Neog, Kangkanika; Khandelwal, Apoorve. 2023. Unpacking the Gender-smartness of Climate-smart Agriculture in India. Presentation. Presented at the CGIAR GENDER Conference 'From Research to Impact: Towards just and resilient agri-food systems', New Delhi, India, 9-12 October 2023. Council on Energy, Environment, and Water, India
  • Gender-responsive nature-positive solutions for resilient agri-food systems
    Poster / Presentation

    Gender-responsive nature-positive solutions for resilient agri-food systems

    Kinuthia, Dickson; Wallin, Elsa; Bryan, Elizabeth; Davis, Kristin; Oingo, Balentine. 2023. Gender-responsive nature-positive solutions for resilient agri-food systems. Presentation. Presented at the CGIAR GENDER Conference 'From Research to Impact: Towards just and resilient agri-food systems', New Delhi, India, 9-12 October 2023. International Food Policy Research Institute
  • Day 1 IFPRI Presentations for 2023 CGIAR GENDER-ICAR Conference
    Poster / Presentation

    Day 1 IFPRI Presentations for 2023 CGIAR GENDER-ICAR Conference

    Ma, Ning Wallin; Elsa Bryan; Elizabeth Davis; Kristin Oingo; Balentine Ragasa Catherine & Carrillo, Lucia. 2023. Day 1 IFPRI Presentations for 2023 CGIAR GENDER-ICAR Conference. Presented at 2023 CGIAR GENDER-ICAR Conference on October 9, 2023.
  • Revisiting the dimensions and determinants of women’s empowerment, and links to household food security in rural farming communities of Bangladesh
    Poster / Presentation

    Revisiting the dimensions and determinants of women’s empowerment, and links to household food security in rural farming communities of Bangladesh

    Haque, Sadika; Salman, Mohammed; Hoque, M. Nazmul; Sarker, Abdur Rouf. 2023. Revisiting the dimensions and determinants of women’s empowerment, and links to household food security in rural farming communities of Bangladesh. Presentation. Presented at the CGIAR GENDER Conference 'From Research to Impact: Towards just and resilient agri-food systems', New Delhi, India, 9-12 October 2023. Bangladesh Agricultural University
  • Women's Empowement Metric for National Statistical Systems (WEMNS): A lean instrument to measure women’s empowerment in nationally representative, multitopic surveys
    Poster / Presentation

    Women's Empowement Metric for National Statistical Systems (WEMNS): A lean instrument to measure women’s empowerment in nationally representative, multitopic surveys

    Meinzen-Dick, Ruth; Seymour, Greg; Heckert, Jessica; Quisumbing, Agnes; Malapit, Hazel; Paz, Florencia; Faas, Simone; Myers, Emily; Doss, Cheryl; Sinharoy, Sheela S.; Johnson, Erin R.; Yuk Fai Cheong; Yount, Kathryn M.; Hassan, M. Zahidul; Hassan, M. Imrul; Sharma, Sudhindra; Pokhrel, Pankaj; Sagastume, Mónica Dardón; Kanyanda, Shelton S.E.; Vundru, Wilbert D.; Kilic, Talip; Moylan, Heather. 2023. Women's Empowement Metric for National Statistical Systems (WEMNS): A lean instrument to measure women’s empowerment in nationally representative, multitopic surveys. Poster. Presented at the CGIAR GENDER Conference 'From Research to Impact: Towards just and resilient agri-food systems', New Delhi, India, 9-12 October 2023. International Food Policy Research Institute
  • Scaling women smallholder farmer’s access to mechanization: Analysis of farmer groups’ services in Bangladesh
    Poster / Presentation

    Scaling women smallholder farmer’s access to mechanization: Analysis of farmer groups’ services in Bangladesh

    Jones, Maria; Lindgren, Samantha; Mozumdar, Lavlu; Alrawashdeh, Ghaida. 2023. Scaling women smallholder farmer’s access to mechanization: Analysis of farmer groups’ services in Bangladesh. Presentation. Presented at the CGIAR GENDER Conference 'From Research to Impact: Towards just and resilient agri-food systems', New Delhi, India, 9-12 October 2023. United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
  • Farm-managers or unpaid laborers? Women farmers in male-headed households of Central India
    Poster / Presentation

    Farm-managers or unpaid laborers? Women farmers in male-headed households of Central India

    Krishna, Vijesh V.; Khed, Vijayalaxmi D.; Gartaula, Hom Nath; Badstue, Lone. 2023. Farm-managers or unpaid laborers? Women farmers in male-headed households of Central India. Presentation. Presented at the CGIAR GENDER Conference 'From Research to Impact: Towards just and resilient agri-food systems', New Delhi, India, 9-12 October 2023. International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center
  • Food Safety Awareness, Food Policies, and Gender in Nepal
    Poster / Presentation

    Food Safety Awareness, Food Policies, and Gender in Nepal

    Gurung, Rita K. 2023. Food Safety Awareness, Food Policies, and Gender in Nepal. Presentation. Presented at the CGIAR GENDER Conference 'From Research to Impact: Towards just and resilient agri-food systems', New Delhi, India, 9-12 October 2023. Agriculture and Forestry University, Nepal
  • Poster / Presentation

    Pitching gender responsive agricultural solutions to science editors

    Metcalfe, Jennifer. 2023. Pitching gender responsive agricultural solutions to science editors . Presentation. Presented at the CGIAR GENDER Conference 'From Research to Impact: Towards just and resilient agri-food systems', New Delhi, India, 9-12 October 2023. Econnect Communication
  • Securing women’s resource rights through gender-transformative approaches
    Poster / Presentation

    Securing women’s resource rights through gender-transformative approaches

    Garner, Elisabeth; Hossain, Tasaffy; Alam, Khushbu; Zaman, Mehenaz. 2023. Securing women’s resource rights through gender-transformative approaches. Presentation. Presented at the CGIAR GENDER Conference 'From Research to Impact: Towards just and resilient agri-food systems', New Delhi, India, 9-12 October 2023. CIFOR-ICRAF
  • Poster / Presentation

    Gender dynamics of Musheerabad fish market, Telangana, India

    Mushkam, Priyanka; Sharma, Arpita . 2023. Gender dynamics of Musheerabad fish market, Telangana, India. Presentation. Presented at the CGIAR GENDER Conference 'From Research to Impact: Towards just and resilient agri-food systems', New Delhi, India, 9-12 October 2023. Indian Council of Agricultural Research