Vennam, U.; Andharla, J. Young Lives Working Paper 84. Chronic Poverty Amid Growth:Insights from Long-term Poverty Trajectories. Young Lives, Department of International Development at the University of Oxford, Oxford, UK (2012) 26 pp. ISBN 978-1-904427-96-4
Singh, Abhijeet and Sofya Krutikova (2017) Starting Together, Growing Apart: Gender Gaps in Learning from Preschool to Adulthood in Four Developing Countries. Young Lives Working paper 174. Oxford: Young Lives
Georgiadis, Andreas (2017) Parental Background and Child Human Capital Development Throughout Childhood and Adolescence: Evidence From Four Low- and Middle-Income Countries, Young Lives Working Paper 164. Oxford: Young Lives
Berlinski, Samuel, Matias Busso,Taryn Dinkelman and Claudia Martinez A. Reducing parent-school information gaps and improving education outcomes: Evidence from high frequency text messaging in Chile. Working Paper, December 2016, 51p
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security. 2020. 150 local organizations and 10,000 farmers receive recommendations to manage joint COVID19 and climate risks in LAM. Reported in Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security Annual Report 2020. Outcome Impact Case Report.
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security. 2018. The Colombian National Rice Farmers Organization (Fedearroz) uses CCAFS science and principles to design and implement an agro-climatic service for rice production, reaching 30,000 farmers. Reported in Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security Annual Report 2018. Outcome Impact Case Report.
Garay, Adriel E. 1991. Desarrollo de Pequeñas Empresas de Semillas (PES) : Algunas consideraciones importantes. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Palmira, Valle del Cauca, CO. 13 p. (Documento de trabajo no. 104)
Cueto, Santiago, Javier Escobal, Juan Leon, Mary Penny (2017) Does Visual Acuity Have an Effect on Children’s Educational Achievement? Young Lives Working Paper 172. Oxford: Young Lives
Gebregziabher, F.; Niño-Zarazúa, M. Social Spending and Aggregate Welfare in Developing and Transition Economies. UNU-WIDER, Helsinki, Finland (2014) 51 pp. (WIDER Working Paper No. 2014/082)
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security. 2018. Sustainable livestock policy of Colombia's national livestock producer organization (FEDEGAN) included information on improved pasture nutrition and methane emissions, which is informing livestock options in the development of the Government of Colombia's Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action policy. Reported in Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security Annual Report 2018. Outcome Impact Case Report.
Douglas Scott, Richard Freund, Marta Favara, Catherine Porter, Alan Sanchez (2021) Unpacking the Post-lockdown Employment Recovery of Young Women in the Global South. Young Lives
Pasquier-Doumer, L.; Risso Brandon, F. Young Lives Working Paper 116. Aspiration Failure: A poverty trap for indigenous children in Peru? Young Lives, Department of International Development at the University of Oxford, Oxford, UK (2013) 38 pp. ISBN 978-1-909403-29-1
Elgin-Cossart, M.; Jones, B.; Esberg, J. Pathways to Change. Baseline Study to Identify Theories of Change on Political Settlements and Confidence Building. Center on International Cooperation, New York University (CIC), New York, USA (2012) 238 pp
Pankhurst, Alula, Agazi Tiumelissan and Nardos Chuta (2016) The interplay between community, household and child level influences on trajectories to early marriage in Ethiopia: Evidence from Young Lives on trajectories to early marriage in Ethiopia: Evidence from Young Lives, Working Paper 162, Oxford: Young Lives