
Dairy entrepreneur John Ngasha with Lydia Kimachas from the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Nakuru, Kenya. Photo: Georgina Smith/ILRI.
  • Poster / Presentation

    Participatory prevalence estimation: A pilot survey in Kenya

    Hannah, H., Grace, D., Randolph, T., Glanville, W. De and Fèvre, E. 2012. Participatory prevalence estimation: A pilot survey in Kenya. Presented at the 13th conference of the International Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics, Maastricht, the Netherlands, 20-24 August 2012. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.
  • Poster / Presentation

    Women in fruit and vegetable value chain development

    ILRI. 2011. Women in fruit and vegetable value chain development. Poster for the ‘Market-Oriented Smallholder Development: IPMS Experience-Sharing Workshop,’ Addis Ababa, 2-3 June 2011. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.
  • Brief

    Gender Dynamics In Value Chains

    Pyburn R; Stoian D; Quintero S, 'Gender Dynamics In Value Chains', International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, 2021
  • Participatory farm-level innovation in bacterial wilt control.
    Poster / Presentation

    Participatory farm-level innovation in bacterial wilt control.

    Kassa, B.; Chimdo, A.; Schulte-Geldermann, E.; Ochieng, B. 2013. Participatory farm-level innovation in bacterial wilt control. In: Nyongesa, M.; Wasilva, L.; Low, J.; Wanjohi, L.(Comps.) Transforming potato and sweetpotato value chains for food and nutrition security: Book of abstracts. 9. Triennial Congress of the African Potato Association. Naivasha (Kenya). 30 Jun - 9 Jul 2013. (Kenya). African Potato Association (APA); Makerere University; Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI); National Potato Council of Kenya (NPCK); International Potato Center (CIP). pp. 88-89.
  • Poster / Presentation

    Water and Gender Research

    CGIAR Research Program on Dryland Systems. 2014. Water and Gender Research. Amman, Jordan: CGIAR Research Program on Dryland Systems.
  • Poster / Presentation

    Gender perspectives in agriculture

    Mulema, A.A. 2014. Gender perspectives in agriculture. Presented at the Initiation Meeting of the Basona Worena “Strategic Innovation Platform”, Ethiopia, 31 January 2014. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.
  • Pastoralism, land and gender
    Poster / Presentation

    Pastoralism, land and gender

    Flintan, F. 2021. Pastoralism, land and gender. Presented at the IGAD Member State Women’s Land Rights Conference, 28-30 June 2021. Nairobi, Kenya. ILRI.
  • Brief

    Gender and collective action

    Pandolfelli, Lauren; Dohrn, Stephan; Meinzen-Dick, Ruth, 'Gender and collective action', International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, D.C., 2007
  • Poster / Presentation

    Operationalizing inclusive innovation: Lessons from innovation platforms in livestock value chains in India and Mozambique

    Swaans, K., Boogaard, B., Bendapudi, R., Taye, H., Hendrickx, S. and Klerkx, L. 2013. Operationalizing inclusive innovation: Lessons from innovation platforms in livestock value chains in India and Mozambique. Presented at an international workshop on "New models for innovation for development" held at the University of Manchester, UK, 4-5 July 2013. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.
  • Participatory epidemiology in animal and human health
    Poster / Presentation

    Participatory epidemiology in animal and human health

    Hendrickx, S. and Pissang, C. 2010. Participatory epidemiology in animal and human health. Presented at a symposium on intersectoral collaboration between the medical and veterinary professions in low-resource societies, "Where medics and vets join forces”, Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp, Belgium, 5 November 2010. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.