
Dairy entrepreneur John Ngasha with Lydia Kimachas from the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Nakuru, Kenya. Photo: Georgina Smith/ILRI.
  • Rethinking participatory action research in renewable resource management
    Scientific Publication

    Rethinking participatory action research in renewable resource management

    Paassen, A. van, Barnaud, C. and Patamadit, I. (eds.). 2008. Rethinking participatory action research in renewable resource management. Proceedings of the World Congress on Media and Global Divides of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR 2008), 21-25 July 2008, Stockholm, Sweden. Stockholm University.
  • Scientific Publication

    Participatory water governance: lessons from the Ferghana Valley

    Kazbekov, Jusipbek; Manthrithilake, Herath; Mirzaev, N.; Wegerich, Kai; Jumaboev, Kahramon; Anarbekov, Oyture. 2010. Participatory water governance: lessons from the Ferghana Valley. In Proceedings of the Republican Scientific Practical Conference on Efficient Agricultural Water Use and Tropical Issues in Land Reclamation, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 10-11 November 2010. Tashkent, Uzbekistan: Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources; Tashkent, Uzbekistan: International Water Management Institute; Tashkent, Uzbekistan: Scientific Information Center of Interstate Commission for Water Coordination (SANIIRI). pp.36-43.
  • Tracking outcomes of participatory policy learning and action research: methodological issues and empirical evidence from participatory bylaw reforms in Uganda
    Scientific Publication

    Tracking outcomes of participatory policy learning and action research: methodological issues and empirical evidence from participatory bylaw reforms in Uganda

    Sanginga, Pascal C.; Abenakyo, Annet; Kamugisha, Rick N.; Martin, Adrienne M.; Muzira, Robert N. 2007. Tracking outcomes of participatory policy learning and action research : Methodological issues and empirical evidence from participatory bylaw reforms in Uganda. In: Farmer First Revisited Conference (2007, Sussex, England). Papers presented. Future Agricultures Consortium; Institute of Development Studies (IDS), Sussex, GB. 17 p.
  • Moving beyond reaching women in seed systems development
    Scientific Publication

    Moving beyond reaching women in seed systems development

    Puskur, Ranjitha; Mudege, Netsayi Noris; Njuguna-Mungai, Esther; Nchanji, Eileen; Vernooy, Ronnie; Galiè, Alessandra; and Najjar, Dina. 2021. Moving beyond reaching women in seed systems development. In Advancing gender equality through agricultural and environmental research: Past, present, and future, eds. Rhiannon Pyburn, and Anouka van Eerdewijk. Chapter 3, Pp. 113-145. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
  • Engaging men and women to ensure vibrant communities

    Engaging men and women to ensure vibrant communities

    CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE). 2013. Engaging men and women to ensure vibrant communities. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE). 2p.
  • Scientific Publication

    Community forestry in Nepal: Women and collective action

    CGIAR Program on Collective Action and Property Rights (CAPRi), 'Community forestry in Nepal: Women and collective action', In Resources, rights, and cooperation: A sourcebook on property rights and collective action for sustainable development, CGIAR Program on Collective Action and Property Rights (CAPRi). Gender, Collective Action and Property Rights, Chapter 7, Pp. 229-232, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, DC, 2010
  • Scientific Publication

    Better-off women boosting groundnut business in Ghana

    Akpo, E., Ojiewo, C.O., Omoigui, L.O., Rubyogo, J.C. & Varshney, R.K. (2020). Better-off women boosting groundnut business in Ghana. In E. Akpo, C.O. Ojiewo, L.O. Omoigui, J.C., Rubyogo, and R.K. Varshney, Sowing legume seeds, reaping cash: a renaissance within communities in sub-Saharan Africa. Gateway East, Singapore: Springer International Publishing, (p. 91-104).
  • Scientific Publication

    Gender Issues in Watershed Management

    Wani, S P and Anantha, K H and Sreedevi, T K (2015) Gender Issues in Watershed Management. In: Gender Issues in Water and Sanitation Programmes: Lessons from India. Sage, India, pp. 99-119. ISBN 9789351500650
  • Participatory farm-level innovation in bacterial wilt control.
    Scientific Publication

    Participatory farm-level innovation in bacterial wilt control.

    Kassa, B.; Elmer, G.; Ochieng, B. 2014. Participatory farm-level innovation in bacterial wilt control. In: Goffart, J.P.; Rolot, J.L.; Demeulemeester, K.; Goeminne, M. (eds.). EAPR Abstracts book. 19. Triennial Conference EAPR. Brussels (Belgium). 6-11 jul 2014. (Belgium). EAPR. p. 232.