
Dairy entrepreneur John Ngasha with Lydia Kimachas from the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Nakuru, Kenya. Photo: Georgina Smith/ILRI.
  • Magazine or Press item


    CTA. 2003. Rice. Agritrade, June 2003. CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
  • Beekeeping
    Training Material


    CTA. 2007. Beekeeping. Rural Radio Resource Pack 07/2. Wageningen, The Netherlands: CTA.
  • MEAgriSys
    Training Material


    CTA. 2007. MEAgriSys. CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands
  • Sharing local knowledge
    Magazine or Press item

    Sharing local knowledge

    Muilerman, Sander and Schläpfer, Juanita. 2013. Sharing local knowledge. ICT Update (70) 8.
  • Magazine or Press item

    We need better values

    Turkson, Paa Kobina. 2000. We need better values. Spore 88. CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
  • Magazine or Press item

    Deadly papaya disease

    CTA. 1987. Deadly papaya disease. Spore 9. CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
  • Magazine or Press item

    Healthier yams

    CTA. 1997. Healthier yams. Spore 67. CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
  • Magazine or Press item

    The progress of processing

    CTA. 2001. The progress of processing. Spore 92. CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
  • Magazine or Press item

    Go with your flow

    CTA. 2003. Go with your flow. Spore 103. CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
  • Magazine or Press item


    CTA. 1997. GRAD. Spore 68. CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
  • Magazine or Press item

    How European aid works

    CTA. 1998. How European aid works. Spore 73. CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands.