
Scientific Publication

Incorporating seasonality into an agroeconomic model of Ethiopia

Lala, Jonathan; Regassa, Mekdim D.; Zhang, Ying; You, Liangzhi; and Block, Paul. 2023. Incorporat-ing seasonality into an agroeconomic model of Ethiopia. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 149(2).
ASFA Magazine Issue #5 December 2020

ASFA Magazine Issue #5 December 2020

FAO and WorldFish. (2021). ASFA Magazine Issue #5 December 2020. Rome, Italy: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). URL:
Scientific Publication

A strategy to transform the banana sector in Africa

Beed, F. & Markham, R. (2008). A strategy to transform the banana sector in Africa. In International Institute of Tropical Agriculture Banana Conference, (p. 1-16), 5-9 October, Nairobi: IITA.
Scientific Publication

Factors affecting the adoption of agricultural technologies within yambased production systems: prospects for the diffusion of improved yam varieties in Nigeria

Amegbeto, N.K., Manyong, V., Coulibaly, O. & Asiedu, R. (2003). Factors affecting the adoption of agricultural technologies within yam-based production systems: prospects for the diffusion of improved yam varieties in Nigeria. In Root crops: the small processor and development of local food industries for market economy: proceeding of the Eighth Triennial Syposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops - Africa Branch (ISTRC-AB), Ibadan, Nigeria, 12-16 November 2001 (p. 68-75).
Scientific Publication

Survival and yield of the plantain Ebang (Musa spp., AAB genome, False Horn) produced from corm fragment initiated plants and suckers after hot water treatment in Southern Cameroon

Mekoa, C. & Hauser, S. (2008). Survival and yield of the plantain Ebang (Musa spp., AAB genome, False Horn) produced from corm fragment initiated plants and suckers after hot water treatment in Southern Cameroon. In IV International Symposium on Banana: International Conference on Banana and Plantain in Africa. Acta Horticulturae, 879, 527-535.