
Scientific Publication

Effectiveness and challenges of participatory governance

Ragasa, Catherine; Badibanga, Thaddee; Ulimwengu, John, 'Effectiveness and challenges of participatory governance', Food Security, vol. 8(4), pp. 827-854, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2016
Poster / Presentation

Woreda participatory land use planning, Ethiopia

Flintan, F. 2019. Woreda participatory land use planning, Ethiopia. Presented at the launch of the Government of Ethiopia's Manual on Woreda Participatory Land Use Planning in Bishoftu, Ethiopia, 17 September 2019. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.
Book / Monograph

Report on the stakeholder meeting: Enhancing applicability of innovative methodologies and tools to improve engagement and participation of stakeholders and decision-makers at every stage of the decision process in the management of dams along the Victoria Nile in Uganda

Zaake, B. (ed.). 2007. Report on the stakeholder meeting: Enhancing Applicability of Innovative Methodologies and Tools to Improve Engagement and Participation of Stakeholders and Decision-Makers at Every Stage of the Decision Process in the Management of Dams along the Victoria Nile in Uganda. Entebbe, Uganda 19-20 July 2007. Sri Lanka, Colombo: IWMI
Report / Case study

Participatory approaches for systems intensification

Gonsalves J. 2013. A new relevance and better prospects for wider uptake of social learning within CGIAR. CCAFS Working Paper no. 37. CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS). Copenhagen, Denmark.
Poster / Presentation

The Meru Goat Breeders’ Association (MGBA): A poor farmers’ empowerment initiative

Waithanji, E., Njuki, J., Mburu, S., Kariuki, J. and Njeru, F. 2011. The Meru Goat Breeders’ Association (MGBA): A poor farmers’ empowerment initiative. A presentation prepared for the Gender and Market Oriented Agriculture (AgriGender 2011) Workshop, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 31st January-2nd February 2011. Nairobi (Kenya): ILRI.
Poster / Presentation

WANA Gender Workshop

Najjar, D. 2014. WANA Gender Workshop. Amman, Jordan: CGIAR Research Program on Dryland Systems.
Women Farmers Show the Way
Online Sources

Women Farmers Show the Way

Dina Najjar. (29/4/2015). Women Farmers Show the Way. URL: