
Report / Case study

Post-Abortion Care in Pakistan: A National Study

Sathar, Z.A.; Singh, S.; Shah, S.H.; Rashida, G.; Kamran, I.; Eshai, K. Post-Abortion Care in Pakistan: A National Study. Population Council, Islamabad, Pakistan (2013) xv + 120 pp

Labor-Saving Farm Technology in Nepal

Kamei, Akito & Ghimire, Rajendra (2017). Labor-Saving Farm Technology in Nepal, Policy Brief 9. Institute for Social and Environmental Research-Nepal
Scientific Publication

Disparities in children’s vocabulary and height in relation to household wealth and parental schooling

Sarah A.Reynolds, Chris Andersen, Jere Behrman, Abhijeet Singh, Aryeh D.Stein, Liza Benny, Benjamin T.Crookston, Santiago Cueto, Kirk Dearden, Andreas Georgiadis, Sonya Krutikova, Lia C.H.Fernald (2017), ‘Disparities in children’s vocabulary and height in relation to household wealth and parental schooling: A longitudinal study in four low- and middle-income countries’ in: Social Science and Medicine - Population Health, Volume 3, December 2017, Pages 767-786
Scientific Publication

The future of health markets

Sara Bennett, Gerald Bloom, Jeffrey Knezovich and David H Peters. The future of health markets. Global Health. 2014; 10: 51. doi: 10.1186/1744-8603-10-51
Scientific Publication

What can Africa Learn from China's Experience in Agricultural Development?

Li XiaoYun; Tang LiXia; Xu Xiuli; Qi Gubo; Wang Haimin. What can Africa Learn from China’s Experience in Agricultural Development? IDS Bulletin (2013) 44 (4) 31-41. (Special Issue: China and Brazil in African Agriculture, edited by I. Scoones, L. Cabral and H. Tugendhat) (DOI: 10.1111/1759-5436.12040)