
Impacts of Fair Trade-Certified Coffee in Nicaragua,Brazil, Honduras, and Peru: Implications for livelihoods and empowerment of farm workers and independent smallholder producers.

Impacts of Fair Trade-Certified Coffee in Nicaragua,Brazil, Honduras, and Peru: Implications for livelihoods and empowerment of farm workers and independent smallholder producers.

Del Río ML; González C; Córdoba D; Howland F; Gutiérrez N; Lundy M. 2017. Impacts of Fair Trade-Certified Coffee in Nicaragua, Brazil, Honduras, and Peru: Implications for livelihoods and empowerment of farm workers and independent smallholder producers. CIAT Policy Brief No. 40. International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT). Cali, Colombia. 8 p.
Scientific Publication

Women’s status, gender relations, and conditional cash transfers

Adato, Michelle; Roopnaraine, T, 'Women’s status, gender relations, and conditional cash transfers', In Conditional cash transfers in Latin America, ed. M. Adato and J. Hoddinott, Published for the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) by Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD, 2010