
Dataset / Tabular

Demographic and Health Survey 1993 - IPUMS Subset (Kenya)

National Council for Population and Development [Kenya], Central Bureau of Statistics [Kenya], and Macro International Inc.; Minnesota Population Center (University of Minnesota), 'Demographic and Health Survey 1993 - IPUMS Subset (Kenya)', 2018
Dataset / Tabular

Mini Demographic and Health Survey 2019 (Ethiopia)

Ethiopian Public Health Institute (EPHI) (Government of Ethiopia); Central Statistical Agency (CSA) (Government of Ethiopia); Federal Ministry of Health (FMoH) (Government of Ethiopia), 'Mini Demographic and Health Survey 2019 (Ethiopia)', 2021
Dataset / Tabular

Section H1.1 Feeding and Watering of Cows

Bart Minten. 2020. Improving the Evidence and Policies for Better Performing Livestock Systems in Ethiopia. Dataset. USAID Development Data Library.