
Scientific Publication

Randomized, multicentre assessment of the efficacy and safety of ASAQ – a fixed-dose artesunate-amodiaquine combination therapy in the treatment of uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria

Ndiaye, J.-L.; Randrianarivelojosia, M.; Sagara, I.; Brasseur, P.; Ndiaye, I.; Faye, B.; Randrianasolo, L.; Ratsimbasoa, F.D.; Moor, V. A.; Traore, A.; Dicko, Y.; Dara, N.; Lameyre, V.; Diallo, M.; Djimde, A.; Same-Ekobo, A.; Gaye, O. . Randomized, multicentre assessment of the efficacy and safety of ASAQ – a fixed-dose artesunate-amodiaquine combination therapy in the treatment of uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria. Malaria Journal (2009) 8 (1) 125. (DOI: 10.1186/1475-2875-8-125)
Scientific Publication

Acacia and other tree pods as dry season feed supplements for goats. In: Strategies to relieve nutritional and health constraints in smallholder owned goats. Proceedings of the Second Link Project Meeting, University of Sokoine, Morogoro, Tanzania. 8-10 January 2002

Mould, F.. et al., 'Acacia and other tree pods as dry season feed supplements for goats. In: Strategies to relieve nutritional and health constraints in smallholder owned goats. Proceedings of the Second Link Project Meeting, University of Sokoine, Morogoro, Tanzania. 8-10 January 2002', 2002
Dataset / Tabular

Farmer Profiling Data - Kenya

Winowiecki, Leigh; Magaju, Christine; Nyaga, John; Ochenje, Ibrahim; Makui, Parmutia; Kiura, Esther; Crossland, Mary; Kuria, Anne; Valencia, Ana Maria; Muthuri, Silas; Mutua, Francisca; Mbuvi, Caroline; Maithya, Stephen; Mwende, Mercy; Muendo, Sylvester; Sinclair, Fergus, 2019, "Farmer Profiling Data - Kenya",, MELDATA, V3
Building sustainable market linkages through innovations platforms for technology adoption: Case studies from Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania.
Scientific Publication

Building sustainable market linkages through innovations platforms for technology adoption: Case studies from Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania.

Mayanja, S.; McEwan, M.; Obong, Y.; Manasseh, R.; Ndolo, P.; Lukonge, E. 2012. Building sustainable market linkages through innovations platforms for technology adoption: Case studies from Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania. In: Okechukwu, R.U.; Adebowale, A.A.; Bodunde, H.; Eruvbetine, D.; Idowu, M.; Atanda, O.; Dipeolu, A.; Ayinde, A.I.; Obadina, A.O.; Sobukola, O.P.; Adebayo, K.; Sanni, L.O. (eds.). The roots (and tubers) of development and climate change: Book of Abstracts, conference programme. 16. Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC). Abeokuta (Nigeria). 23-28 Sep 2012. Abeokuta (Nigeria). p. 138. Abstract
Combining sensory evaluation and mental models in the assessment of consumer preferences for and choice of healthy products: experience from a field experiment in Kenya.
Scientific Publication

Combining sensory evaluation and mental models in the assessment of consumer preferences for and choice of healthy products: experience from a field experiment in Kenya.

Okello, J.J.; Lagerkvist, C.J.; Muoki, P.; Heck, S.; Prain, G. 2016. Combining sensory evaluation and mental models in the assessment of consumer preferences for and choice of healthy products: experience from a field experiment in Kenya. Agricultural & Applied Economics Association Annual Meeting. Massachusetts (USA). 31 Jul-02 Aug 2016. Massachusetts (USA). 24 p.