
Magazine or Press item

Cartographie : Sur la bonne route

Centre Technique de Coopération Agricole et Rurale, 'Cartographie : Sur la bonne route', ICT Update, vol. 54, Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation, Wageningen, 2010
Magazine or Press item

Mobile services: Carrying data to the field

Heinz, Ignatz, 'Mobile services: Carrying data to the field', ICT Update, vol. 51, Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation, Wageningen, 2009
Scientific Publication

Brazil and China in Mozambican Agriculture: Emerging Insights from the Field

Chichava, S.; Duran, J.; Cabral, L.; Shankland, A.; Buckley, L.; Tang LiXia; Zhang Yue. Brazil and China in Mozambican Agriculture: Emerging Insights from the Field. IDS Bulletin (2013) 44 (4) 101-115. (Special Issue: China and Brazil in African Agriculture, edited by I. Scoones, L. Cabral and H. Tugendhat) (DOI: 10.1111/1759-5436.12046)
Magazine or Press item

Strengthening the Science-Policy Interface: Collaborating with Kenya's Stakeholders and Policymakers to Inform Agricultural Policy Formulation and Operationalize Recommendations from the 1st Kenya Food Systems Conference

Kirui, Leonard; Maru, Joyce; and Saika, Sheewa. 2023. Strengthening the Science-Policy Interface: Collaborating with Kenya's Stakeholders and Policymakers to Inform Agricultural Policy Formulation and Operationalize Recommendations from the 1st Kenya Food Systems Conference. CGIAR News.
Scientific Publication

Selection for low soil fertility bean lines tolerant to root rot [CD-ROM]

Namayanja, Annet R.; Tukamunhabwa, P.; Opio, Fina; Ugen, M.A.; Kimani, Paul M.; Babirye, A.; Kitinda, X.; Kabayi, P.; Takusewanya, R. 2003. Selection for low soil fertility bean lines tolerant to root rot [CD-ROM]. Bean Improvement Cooperative. Annual Report (USA). 46:95-96.
Sweetpotato silage manual for smallholder farmers.
Training Material

Sweetpotato silage manual for smallholder farmers.

Kabirizi, J.M.; Lule, P.; Kyalo, G.; Mayanja, S; Ojakol, J.F.; Mutetikka, D.; Lukuyu, B. 2017. Sweetpotato silage manual for smallholder farmers. Expanding utilization of Roots, Tubers and Bananas and reducing their postharvest losses. Kampaña (Uganda). CGIAR RTB. 24 p.
Stories of Change study in Rwanda
Report / Case study

Stories of Change study in Rwanda

CGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health. 2018. Stories of Change study in Rwanda. Reported in Agriculture for Nutrition and Health Annual Report 2018. MELIA.
Scientific Publication

Youth engagement in agriculture and food systems transformation in Kenya

Mugo, V.; Kinyua, I. (2023) Youth engagement in agriculture and food systems transformation in Kenya. International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) p. Chapter 14, 357-377 p. ISBN: 9780896294561. URL: