
Report / Case study

Shock-Responsive Social Protection Systems: Social protection and humanitarian responses to food insecurity and poverty in Mali

O’Brien, C., Congrave, J., Sharp, K. and Keïta, N. (2018) Shock-Responsive Social Protection Systems Research: Case study—Social protection and humanitarian responses to food insecurity and poverty in Mali, Oxford Policy Management, Oxford, UK. O’Brien C., Congrave J., and Barca V. (2017) Building on social protection systems for effective disaster response: the Mali experience’. Policy Brief. Oxford Policy Management, Oxford, UK
Scientific Publication

Soil compaction at low moisture content in dry areas in Kenya

O’CONNELL, M J et al, 1987. Soil compaction at low moisture contents in dry areas in Kenya. In: AKINMUSURU, J 0 et al (Eds). Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering. Ninth Regional Conference for Africa, Lagos, September 1987, Volume 1. Rotterdam: A A Balkema, 211-226
Dataset / Tabular

ASTI Zimbabwe database

Agricultural Science and Technology Indicators (ASTI), 2015, "ASTI Zimbabwe database",, Harvard Dataverse, V1

[Review of] Frank Muhereza and Peter Otim. 2002. Pastoral Resource Competition in Uganda, Case Studies into Commercial Livestock Ranching and Pastoral Institutions. Utrecht: International Books; Addis Ababa: OSSREA (Organization for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa)

Nkonya, Ephraim, '[Review of] Frank Muhereza and Peter Otim. 2002. Pastoral Resource Competition in Uganda, Case Studies into Commercial Livestock Ranching and Pastoral Institutions. Utrecht: International Books; Addis Ababa: OSSREA (Organization for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa)', Journal of Asian and African Studies 41(4): 311 - 313, 2005
Working Paper

Control and ownership of assets within rural Ethiopian households

Fafchamps, Marcel; Quisumbing, Agnes, 'Control and ownership of assets within rural Ethiopian households', Centre for Study of African Economies (CSAE). Working Paper Series. WPS/2000-27, Centre for Study of African Economies (CSAE), Oxford, UK, 2000

Summary of CPWF research in the Nile river basin

Clayton, T.; Merrey, D.; Duncan, A.J.; Langan, S.; Harding, A.; Le Borgne, E. Summary of CPWF research in the Nile river basin. The CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food, Colombo, Sri Lanka (2014) 12 pp