
Dataset / Tabular

Demographic and Health Survey 1998 (Kenya)

National Council for Population Development (NCPD); Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) (Office of the Vice President and Ministry of Planning and National Development ), 'Demographic and Health Survey 1998 (Kenya)', 2012
Policy and programmatic changes resulting from the biennial reviews and agriculture joint sector reviews under the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP). Third Biennial Review Brief: Africa-Wide

Policy and programmatic changes resulting from the biennial reviews and agriculture joint sector reviews under the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP). Third Biennial Review Brief: Africa-Wide

Matchaya, Greenwell; Yade, M.; Guthiga, P.; Tefera, W.; Yamdjeu, A. W. 2021. Policy and programmatic changes resulting from the biennial reviews and agriculture joint sector reviews under the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP). Third Biennial Review Brief: Africa-Wide. Pretoria, South Africa: Regional Strategic Analysis and Knowledge Support System for Eastern and Southern Africa (ReSAKSS-ESA); Kigali, Rwanda: AKADEMIYA2063. 12p. (2021 Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) Biennial Review Brief)
Scientific Publication

Prediction of first lactation milk yield using multiple regression analysis and principal components analysis in Ethiopian Boran and their crosses with Holstein Friesian in Central Ethiopia

Haile, A.; Joshi, B.K.; Ayalew, W.; Tegegne, A.; Singh A. 2008. Prediction of first lactation milk yield using multiple regression analysis and principal components analysis in Ethiopian Boran and their crosses with Holstein Friesian in Central Ethiopia. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 78(1):64-70.
Scientific Publication

Prediction of first lactation milk geld of Boran cattle and their crosses with Holstein-Friesian in Central Ethiopia using multiple regression and principal components analysis

Haile, A., Joshi, B.K., Ayalew, W., Tegegne, A., Singh, A. and Chakravarty, A.K. 2008. Prediction of first lactation milk geld of Boran cattle and their crosses with Holstein-Friesian in Central Ethiopia using multiple regression and principal components analysis. Indian Journal of'AnirnaE Sciences 78 (1): 66-69.
Working Paper

A review of goat reproduction in East and Horn of Africa

Mariem Rouatbi, Aynalem Haile, Tesfaye Getachew, Michel Dione, Olivier Zannou, Ons Tebourbi, Zied Idoudi, Barbara Rischkowsky, Mourad Rekik. (20/12/2022). A review of goat reproduction in East and Horn of Africa. Beirut, Lebanon: ICARDA.