
Scientific Publication

Strengthening Research Institutions in Africa: Seven Country Needs Assessments

Mattia Fosci and Lucia Loffreda, (2019). Strengthening Research Institutions in Africa: A Synthesis Report. Research Consulting. Mattia Fosci, Lucia Loffreda, Lennart Velten, Rob Johnson (2019) Research Capacity Strengthening in LMICs: Rapid Evidence Assessment. Report for the SRIA programme. Research Consulting. Mattia Fosci, Lucia Loffreda, Andrew Chamberlain, Nelisha Naidoo (2019). Assessing the needs of the research system in Ethiopia. Report for the SRIA programme. Research Consulting. Mattia Fosci, Lucia Loffreda, Andrew Chamberlain, Nelisha Naidoo (2019). Assessing the needs of the research system in Ghana. Report for the SRIA programme. Research Consulting. Mattia Fosci, Lucia Loffreda, Andrew Chamberlain, Nelisha Naidoo (2019). Assessing the needs of the research system in Kenya. Report for the SRIA programme. Research Consulting. Mattia Fosci, Lucia Loffreda, Andrew Chamberlain, Nelisha Naidoo (2019). Assessing the needs of the research system in Nigeria. Report for the SRIA programme. Research Consulting Mattia Fosci, Lucia Loffreda, Andrew Chamberlain, Nelisha Naidoo (2019). Assessing the needs of the research system in Rwanda . Report for the SRIA programme. Research Consulting Mattia Fosci, Lucia Loffreda, Andrew Chamberlain, Nelisha Naidoo (2019). Assessing the needs of the research system in Tanzania. Report for the SRIA programme. Research Consulting Mattia Fosci, Lucia Loffreda, Andrew Chamberlain, Nelisha Naidoo (2019). Assessing the needs of the research system in Uganda. Report for the SRIA programme. Research Consulting
PIM findings on designing cash transfers to reduce intimate partner violence influence the design of World Bank social protection operations, including grants for a total of USD 167M to the Government of Mozambique
Report / Case study

PIM findings on designing cash transfers to reduce intimate partner violence influence the design of World Bank social protection operations, including grants for a total of USD 167M to the Government of Mozambique

CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets. 2021. PIM findings on designing cash transfers to reduce intimate partner violence influence the design of World Bank social protection operations, including grants for a total of USD 167M to the Government of Mozambique. Reported in Policies, Institutions, and Markets Annual Report 2021. Outcome Impact Case Report.
Towards a new generation of policies and investments in agricultural water in the Arab region: fertile ground for innovation. Background paper prepared for the high level meeting on agricultural water policies and investments

Towards a new generation of policies and investments in agricultural water in the Arab region: fertile ground for innovation. Background paper prepared for the high level meeting on agricultural water policies and investments

Borgomeo, Edoardo; Santos, N. 2019. Towards a new generation of policies and investments in agricultural water in the Arab region: fertile ground for innovation. Background paper prepared for the high level meeting on agricultural water policies and investments. Rome, Italy: FAO; Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 124p.
Book / Monograph

Drought challenges: policy options for developing countries

Mapedza, Everisto; Tsegai, D.; Bruntrup, M.; McLeman, R. (Eds.) 2019. Drought challenges: policy options for developing countries. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier. 363p. (Current Directions in Water Scarcity Research Volume 2)