
Including women's empowerment as a key component of the United States’ global initiative to combat hunger – Role of the Women's Empowerment in Agriculture Index
Report / Case study

Including women's empowerment as a key component of the United States’ global initiative to combat hunger – Role of the Women's Empowerment in Agriculture Index

CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets. 2018. Including women's empowerment as a key component of the United States’ global initiative to combat hunger – Role of the Women's Empowerment in Agriculture Index. Reported in Policies, Institutions, and Markets Annual Report 2018. Outcome Impact Case Report.
Understanding empowerment among retailers in the informal milk sector in peri-urban Nairobi: Informing an adaptation of the project-level Women's Empowerment in Agriculture Index
Poster / Presentation

Understanding empowerment among retailers in the informal milk sector in peri-urban Nairobi: Informing an adaptation of the project-level Women's Empowerment in Agriculture Index

Myers, Emily. 2019. Understanding empowerment among retailers in the informal milk sector in peri-urban Nairobi: Informing an adaptation of the project-level Women's Empowerment in Agriculture Index. Presented by Emily Myers (International Food Policy Research Institute), as part of the Annual Scientific Conference hosted by the University of Canberra and co-sponsored by the University of Canberra, the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) and CGIAR Collaborative Platform for Gender Research, Canberra, Australia, April 2-4, 2019. Washington DC: International Food Policy Research Institute
Going digital in agriculture: how radio and SMS can scale-up smallholder participation in legume-based sustainable agricultural intensification practices and technologies in Tanzania
Scientific Publication

Going digital in agriculture: how radio and SMS can scale-up smallholder participation in legume-based sustainable agricultural intensification practices and technologies in Tanzania

Silvia, S., Musebe, R., Baars, E., Ganatra, D. & Romney, D. (2020). Going digital in agriculture: how radio and SMS can scale-up smallholder participation in legume-based sustainable agricultural intensification practices and technologies in Tanzania. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 1-12.
Participatory assessment of animal health constraints and husbandry practices in the pig production system in three districts of Uganda
Poster / Presentation

Participatory assessment of animal health constraints and husbandry practices in the pig production system in three districts of Uganda

Dione, M.M., Ouma, E.A., Roesel, K., Mayega, L., Nadiope, G., Kiryabwire, D. and Pezo, D. 2013. Participatory assessment of animal health constraints and husbandry practices in the pig production system in three districts of Uganda. Poster presented at the 14th International Conference of the Association of Institutions for Tropical Veterinary Medicine, Johannesburg, South Africa, 25-29 August 2013. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.
COVID-19 impacts on women fish processors and traders in sub-Saharan Africa: 10 recommendations for building forward better

COVID-19 impacts on women fish processors and traders in sub-Saharan Africa: 10 recommendations for building forward better

McDougall C, Marwaha N, Atkins M, Cohen PJ, Patel A, Beyene BA, Goreth V, Hammad S, Kobusingye L, Lukanga E, Maisha P, Mkumbo A, Mountsoueke JP, Njeri S, Nyendwa K, Yerina A and Phillips MJ. 2021. COVID-19 impacts on women fish processors and traders in sub-Saharan Africa: 10 recommendations for building forward better. Penang, Malaysia: CGIAR Research Program on Fish Agri-Food Systems. Policy Brief: FISH-2021-17